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Top eCommerce trend

In the current B2B market, buyers are becoming more tech-savvy, mirroring the independent purchasing patterns of B2C consumers. This shift is driven by the changing demographics of B2B buyers, with 64% being Millennials and Gen Z, according to Forrester. Moreover, Gartner notes that 44% of Millennials prefer to make purchases without the involvement of sales representatives.

As a result, B2B eCommerce trends are rapidly evolving, influenced by both consumer behavior and technological progress. The increasing integration of generative AI into eCommerce, and the merging of online and offline experiences, are all pivotal trends. Keeping pace with these developments is essential; otherwise, businesses risk lagging in the fiercely competitive B2B eCommerce landscape.

In this article, let’s explore the top 8 B2B eCommerce trends that will shape the industry in 2024 and for many years to come.

1. AI For Personalized Customer Experiences



AI is making big strides in online shopping. AI chatbots are now a key part of customer service, offering personalized assistance and product suggestions. For example, Shopify Magic has AI tools that help create content and provide tailored shopping advice.

Chatbots are widespread, with over 1.4 billion people interacting with these AI systems worldwide. Retailers who have adopted AI have seen a significant increase in sales. It’s predicted that by 2027, 80% of retail leaders will use AI to enhance efficiency in their operations.

Beyond retail, AI is set to make a major impact on the economy. PwC estimates that AI could contribute as much as $15.7 trillion to the global GDP by 2030, affecting many industries.

2. Utilize Tools & Features For Workflow Automation



Businesses are increasingly turning to automation to improve efficiency without growing their teams. According to Markets and Markets, the marketing automation industry is expected to grow from USD 5.2 billion in 2022 to USD 9.5 billion by 2027, with a 12.8% yearly growth rate. Additionally, 57% of companies plan to use automation to make their employees more productive.

Shopify Flow is a tool that automates routine tasks for businesses. It activates specific actions based on rules set by the user, simplifying the workflow.

3. Embrace The B2B Omnichannel Model



With the rise of AI and automation, businesses are increasingly embracing an omnichannel strategy. This trend allows for seamless interaction across various channels, helping companies to be more budget-efficient in managing both their online and physical storefronts, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction.

Data shows companies with robust omnichannel engagement retain 89% of customers, compared to 33% for those without. Additionally, 59% of consumers prefer self-research over interacting with sales-focused staff, highlighting the need for sales teams to prioritize customer guidance. Moreover, establishing a solid omnichannel base is essential, followed by streamlining all digital touchpoints for a unified and efficient customer journey. You can learn more on how to build an effective omnichannel strategy here.

Digital Touchpoints Need To Be Streamlined

In B2B e-commerce, the harmony of digital touchpoints is essential for delivering an exceptional customer experience and driving sales. Integrating all digital channels, such as payment systems, online stores, and customer support, is crucial. This integration provides a unified customer profile, streamlining management across multiple channels and focusing on omnichannel sales.

Streamlining transcends mere system connections; it ensures seamless data flow for personalized customer interactions. For instance, leveraging browsing habits for advertising and purchase history for customer service can develop comprehensive customer profiles.

Ultimately, streamlining is about fostering a consistent, reliable customer experience that bolsters brand interaction. Companies excelling in this are well-positioned for enduring success in the competitive B2B e-commerce market.

4. B2B Subscription eCommerce

B2B Subscription eCommerce

Subscription models are becoming vital for customer loyalty in B2B eCommerce, with the Global Subscription eCommerce Market expected to hit US$ 478 billion by 2025. These models offer a predictable revenue stream and deepen customer relationships beyond one-time sales. They cater to various business needs, from product supplies to software services. Moreover, as buying habits shift online, subscriptions align with customer preferences for self-services and problem-solving services.

Moreover, businesses often find that prioritizing the enhancement of the customer experience yields better results than constantly pursuing new leads. In the B2B sector, nurturing existing relationships and promoting additional purchases can be more profitable strategies than seeking out new customers. Find more about subscription eCommerce here.

5. Headless B2B eCommerce

Headless B2B eCommerce


Headless architecture is a way of building online stores where the front-end and back-end work separately but talk to each other through an API. This setup lets the back end hook up with any front end, making it perfect for businesses that sell across different channels.

Looking ahead to 2024, headless B2B eCommerce is on the rise. It’s not going to replace traditional eCommerce completely, but it gives businesses a leg up by being more adaptable, integrating better with other systems, scaling up easily, and making life easier for developers. All this leads to a better experience for business customers. The headless commerce market is booming; it’s expected to grow to $32.1 billion by 2027, with a yearly growth rate of 20.5%. You can find more information about headless eCommerce here.

6. Mobile CommerceMobile eCommerce


The trend of using mobile phones for online shopping is on the rise, primarily due to the advancements in online payment systems. This shift is attributed to the seamless buying experience provided by mobile commerce, where customers are quickly redirected to payment apps like MoMo or ZaloPay, offering a hassle-free transaction compared to traditional website payments that require them to pick up their phones for the payment process.

Furthermore, mobile devices are leading the charge in the B2B digital commerce evolution, with a significant majority of consumers preferring them over desktops and tablets. This growing preference underscores eCommerce platforms’ importance in crafting responsive and well-tuned mobile shopping experiences.

To leverage this trend, eCommerce sites need to go beyond mere mobile-friendliness and aim for mobile optimization. This involves designing interfaces that facilitate thumb-friendly navigation, expediting the checkout process, and ensuring swift site loading times. By concentrating on these aspects, eCommerce sites can become preferred shopping destinations, boosting online sales. In the realm of mobile commerce, the ease and speed of the shopping experience are directly proportional to the likelihood of completing a sale.

7. B2B Payment Innovations

B2B payment


The B2B eCommerce sector is rapidly adopting digital efficiency in payment processes. Automation and advanced digital transactions are replacing traditional methods, significantly reducing operational costs and manual labor. This modernization benefits both companies and customers, offering a more streamlined payment experience.

In the dynamic realm of B2B eCommerce, the transition from traditional payment methods to automated and advanced digital transactions is accelerating. A study by Markets and Markets highlighted that adopting automated payment systems can reduce operational costs for accounts receivable departments by 50% and cut down manual tasks by 85%. This evolution is beneficial not only for businesses but also for customers, who now have the convenience of making payments at their own pace, thus enhancing the overall payment experience.

Mobile Payments

The proliferation of mobile technology has revolutionized both shopping and payment behaviors. As smartphones become integral to the consumer journey, offering various payment options, including digital wallets like Apple Pay or Samsung Pay, has become essential. The year 2024 will mark a point where not accommodating such payment methods could be detrimental to customer retention.

Buy Now Pay Later 

The ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ (BNPL) model is emerging as a significant trend, particularly in Vietnam, where it’s a departure from the traditional installment payments. Platforms like Shopee are incorporating BNPL, indicating its potential to reshape the B2B payment landscape significantly.

In the US, Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) has won over more than a third of consumers recently, and it’s also gaining traction in Europe and Africa. This surge is tied to shifts in how people, particularly the younger crowd, prefer to manage their money, with BNPL’s flexible and wallet-friendly options being a hit. Gen Z is leading the BNPL charge, as they’re stepping into the workforce in big numbers. The trend shows that BNPL use among Gen Z is set to grow from 36.8% in 2021 to 47.4% by 2025. You can read more about BNPL here.

8. Augmented Reality (AR) in B2B eCommerce

Augmented Reality (AR) is transforming B2B eCommerce, turning simple spaces into interactive showrooms. With AR, businesses create 3D models that customers can explore in detail, offering an engaging experience far beyond what static images can provide.

Vietnam is riding the AR wave with remarkable vigor. The market is booming, with forecasts predicting a surge from US$96.4 million in 2023 to US$181.5 million by 2028, thanks to an impressive annual growth rate of 13.48%. AR is already a hit in children’s books and playgrounds, but it’s set to become a staple in our everyday lives, moving beyond novelty to become a standard in our daily routines, especially in the B2B eCommerce market, much like the memorable Oreo campaign during Tet 2020.

Oreo AR Campaign

Wrap Things Up!

B2B eCommerce is booming, outpacing traditional stores. This surge is driven by digital advances and the economic shift after the pandemic. It’s not just a change; it’s a new online business era, where tech innovations benefit both shoppers and companies.

Navigating the digital marketplace can be complex, but you don’t have to do it alone. With a solid decade of crafting B2B eCommerce solutions, SECOMM is here to support your business’s growth journey. Feel free to contact SECOMM or call our hotline at (+84) 28 7108 9908 to discover solutions that align with the latest trends and propel your business forward.

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Subscription-based eCommerce, while not a novel concept, is increasingly being adopted in tangible forms, preserving its inherent value. Consider, for instance, the scenario of launching a seafood restaurant. You enter into an arrangement with a seafood supplier who commits to delivering fresh seafood daily.

This arrangement exemplifies a subscription model, which often includes perks such as discounts, promotional offers, or simply more favorable pricing compared to purchasing items individually from various suppliers.

If the concept still seems unclear, fear not! We’ll delve deeper into the mechanics of subscription eCommerce in the paragraphs below.

What Is Subscription eCommerce?

Subscription eCommerce is a business model where customers subscribe to receive regular deliveries of products or access to services over a specified period. Transactions are facilitated online, and customers continue to receive deliveries until they choose to cancel their subscription or until the agreed-upon subscription term concludes. Payments can be various, including one-time payments, periodic billing cycles, or automated payments.

In addition, there are several types of subscription-based online shopping, but in this blog, we will mention three common types. The first one is product or service subscriptions in which customers will receive annual product delivery or service access like gym memberships, daily grocery goods, etc.

The second one is the membership program, which is quite similar to most people. A good example of this could be “Hoi Cam” from Guardian, where customers can get exclusive discounts and a lot of benefits when joining.

The third one might be familiar to many of you, which is called Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). For example, when using Microsoft 365 or Canva customers need to pay monthly or yearly to use all the functions of the tools and software. You can find more about SaaS here.

Additionally, the eCommerce subscriptions market seems to have risen steadily in recent years with the global market size reaching US$ 193.6 Billion in 2023. Moreover, this number is forecasted to reach US$ 5,014.4 Billion by 2032, showing a growth rate of 43.56% from 2024 to 2032.

From the information above, it prompts an important consideration: what are the tangible benefits and drawbacks for businesses when adopting eCommerce subscription programs? Assessing the impact of these programs is crucial for understanding their influence on operational dynamics and customer engagement.

The Benefits of The Subscription eCommerce Model for Businesses

The Benefits of the Subscription eCommerce Model for Businesses

ECommerce subscription models aren’t just a trend; they are a strategic approach that offers businesses a plethora of benefits, from predictable revenue to deepening customer relationships.

Predictable Revenue Stream 

Contrary to the unpredictable nature of one-time transactions, subscription models offer a steady revenue flow. This advantage enables your organization to formulate a comprehensive budget for marketing endeavors spanning an entire quarter or year, necessitating only slight adjustments. Essentially, businesses are equipped to more accurately project their financial trajectory by establishing a consistent subscriber base pledged to recurrent payments. This later helps enhance strategic planning and facilitate expansion prospects.

Strengthening Customer Relationships 

Subscriptions are more than transactions; they are the foundation of a long-lasting relationship with customers. A study by Zuora highlights that 93% of subscribers believe companies should invest more in customer satisfaction. By adopting a subscription model, businesses are not merely selling a product—they are nurturing a connection that encourages customers to return, fostering loyalty and trust.

Actionable Customer Insights 

Truly understanding customers goes beyond superficial interactions. It involves analyzing their behaviors and preferences over time. Subscription models are instrumental in gathering this data, offering insights into customer tendencies, shopping habits, and interests. This information is crucial for customizing products and services, enhancing marketing strategies, and identifying growth opportunities – all while potentially reducing market research costs.

Efficient Marketing Expenditure 

Additionally, enterprises need to capitalize on the insights derived from their eCommerce subscription base to enhance marketing initiatives, rather than allowing this valuable data to remain underutilized. Armed with an in-depth understanding of customer predilections, companies are empowered to devise bespoke experiences that truly engage their clientele. This strategic personalization not only bolsters customer loyalty but also fortifies the company’s market position, diminishing the likelihood of customers exploring alternative options.

Maximizing Sales Opportunities 

Subscribers typically exhibit greater loyalty and, as a result, have a propensity to increase their expenditure over time, which can significantly enhance a company’s profitability. Additionally, the subscription framework provides fertile ground for upselling and cross-selling strategies. Businesses can boost their average order value and realize extra revenue from their current subscribers by offering assorted subscription options or supplementary products and services. Take, for instance, a fitness establishment that could propose special offers on workout gear to its patrons, thereby establishing a reciprocal relationship where the customers benefit from the perceived value, and the business sees a rise in sales.

Crafting An Effective Subscription eCommerce Model

Understanding the purpose and goals of your eCommerce subscription model is essential. Whether you’re targeting revenue growth, increased profitability, or business expansion, defining these objectives upfront will shape a successful strategy.

Simplifying The Subscription Process 

Ease of subscription is crucial in the eCommerce industry. A straightforward and user-friendly sign-up process not only improves conversion rates but also increases the value perceived by customers, making them more likely to sign up.

To ensure optimal accessibility and ease of registration, it is crucial for eCommerce subscription services to be prominently featured and straightforward to navigate, thereby accommodating a broad digital audience. For instance, consider the “Hoi Cam” program by Guardian: the membership is subtly referenced via a brief mention in each social media post, rather than being highlighted in a dedicated post. Similarly, on their website, the registration option is relegated to a minor tab, devoid of any prominent banners to signal its presence.

Guardian Vietnam does not do well in simplifying the registration process.


Even in physical outlets, the program is scarcely communicated by staff members. This approach necessitates that customers invest effort into seeking registration details, which could lead to frustration and a diminished user experience.

Fostering Customer Relationships 

In the eCommerce subscription business, building strong customer relationships is crucial. It involves recognizing your customers’ importance. If customers don’t see the value, they may feel overlooked and undervalued, and consider other options. So, it’s important to grow loyalty and strengthen these bonds over time. Remember, when your service team consistently provides excellent support, customers will trust your brand more, which is key when they decide to renew their subscription.

Also, developing detailed customer personas is helpful. Knowing your customers’ preferences, habits, and spending limits helps you tailor your services to fit their needs, keeping them engaged and happy. When customers notice that you care about their preferences, they’re more likely to stay loyal and not switch to another business.

Balancing Pricing with Customer Satisfaction 

Your pricing strategy should reflect your product/service type, business objectives, and customer personas. Starting with a basic package covering essential services is advisable if you’re unsure of customer preferences. This approach allows you to launch your service while remaining adaptable. As you gather customer feedback and preferences, you can adjust your packages to suit different customer segments, ensuring your offerings evolve to meet customer demands effectively.

Challenges for Applying Subscription eCommerce Model

When implementing a subscription-based eCommerce model, it’s crucial to be aware of potential pitfalls to ensure seamless business operations.

Customer Engagement 

The key to a successful subscription model is maintaining long-term subscriber engagement. Incorporate personalized elements, exclusive content, and loyalty rewards to make subscribers feel valued. Moreover, you could highlight the unique benefits your service offers over competitors to discourage churn.

For new subscribers, businesses need to simplify the sign-up and showcase their services’ value straightforwardly to reduce the likelihood of early drop-offs.

Inventory Management 

If your business involves physical goods, managing inventory against customer demand is critical. Monitor customer preferences closely and adjust inventory accordingly. Always have a contingency plan for supply chain disruptions to maintain consistent product availability.

Scaling Infrastructure

As your subscriber base expands, the complexity of your infrastructure must evolve accordingly. Consider the user experience – a seamless service is expected, particularly for digital offerings akin to Canva. Your infrastructure should be robust enough to handle a spike in users without compromising performance.

Is everything making sense so far? Before we conclude today’s session, let’s examine the following case study for a practical understanding.

A Case Study from Amazon

Amazon Prime serves as an exemplary model of subscription eCommerce success, offering a suite of benefits that extend well beyond swift shipping. Subscribers gain access to an array of advantages, such as complimentary two-day delivery, an extensive library of streaming content, and exclusive shopping deals. This service is not merely about rapid order fulfillment; it represents a continuous stream of value and convenience.

Amazon Prime case study


The distinctiveness of Amazon Prime lies in its amalgamation of various services into a single subscription package, which streamlines customer experience and fosters brand loyalty. The program’s expansion reflects Amazon’s dedication to customer satisfaction and its strategic addition of new perks, all while integrating seamlessly with the larger Amazon eCommerce ecosystem. This strategic bundling is a key factor in customer retention, positioning Amazon as a leader in the eCommerce sector.

To Wrap Ups!

Subscription eCommerce is a strategic approach adopted by numerous businesses, yet only a select few have truly harnessed its potential. This guide is designed to deepen your understanding and provide actionable insights to effectively utilize subscription eCommerce. For those ready to embark on this journey and in search of a trusted advisor, Secomm is your ideal partner. We offer end-to-end solutions to address all your eCommerce needs, from technical infrastructure to event management.

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IT Outsourcing in Australia: Top 10 Prominent Companies

IT outsourcing in Australia is emerging as one of the most rapidly growing and attractive fields in the information technology market. As technology projects become increasingly complex and diverse, Australian businesses are increasingly serious about finding highly skilled outsourcing partners to address technical challenges and product development. 

In this article, let’s explore the top 10 IT outsourcing firms in Australia, what makes them stand out in this field, and the key criteria for selecting a potential partner.

The growth of the Australian IT outsourcing industry

In recent years, the Australian IT outsourcing sector has undergone remarkable development, reflecting the boom of the information technology field in the country’s economy.

According to Statista, the projected market revenue for IT outsourcing in Australia in 2024 is expected to reach $14.49 billion, with a CAGR of 10.99% from 2024 to 2028. This indicates substantial prospects and expansion potential.

One crucial factor driving this growth is the emphasis on quality and efficiency. Australian IT outsourcing firms have heavily invested in workforce development and infrastructure to ensure they can deliver high-performance services and meet their clients’ increasingly complex technical requirements.

Furthermore, technological innovation has significantly contributed to this impressive growth. Adopting new technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain has opened up numerous opportunities for IT outsourcing firms to provide breakthrough and effective solutions for their clients.

4 Criteria to choose the right Australian IT outsourcing firms

When deciding on a partner to use IT outsourcing services in Australia, you must consider various criteria to ensure the partner can provide services that meet their needs. Below are four key criteria for choosing the right Australian IT service provider.

Professional and expertise

You need to ensure that the Australian IT company has experience and expertise in the field they are interested in. For example, shopping applications can be developed on the iOS operating system using the Kotlin language. The experience and deep knowledge of the IT outsourcing firms in a specific technology and industry will determine whether they are a potential partner.

Service quality

This is the next important factor to consider. You need to check whether the IT outsourcing firm has high-quality standards and whether they have good experience in providing solutions and services to similar clients. Reviewing portfolios and engaging in direct consultations will help businesses evaluate more easily.

Client testimonials and feedback

Social Proof is quite useful in this case. Before making a final decision, you can check reviews, feedback, and gather opinions from customers.

Pricing and efficient

Finally, you need to consider the issue of pricing that the IT outsourcing firm offers, as well as the overall project costs for collaboration. Ensure that the price they offer is suitable for the business budget and that they can provide optimal solutions to meet the project’s requirements.

Top 10 IT outsourcing firms in Australia

The companies listed below are all top names in the IT outsourcing field, with extensive experience and knowledge. They provide the highest-quality services and solutions to meet customers’ diverse needs in complex business environments.


Over the past ten years, SECOMM has become a leading provider of eCommerce solutions in Vietnam for its clients’ general and specific information technology projects. SECOMM is committed to providing clients with a team of skilled professionals capable of quickly adapting to the technological advancements of the era.

IT Outsourcing in Australia: Top 10 Prominent Companies

Seasia Infotech

Seasia Infotech is a leading software development company in Australia. It provides custom software solutions and mobile application development. The company also offers IT outsourcing services, including developing a dedicated IT team for a specific project.

IT Outsourcing in Australia: Top 10 Prominent Companies
Seasia Infotech


OpenXcell is one of the leading companies in the field of mobile application and software development in Australia. Its personnel and IT team are professional and outstanding. OpenXcell also ensures experience, skills, and knowledge to meet the specific requirements of the project.

IT Outsourcing in Australia: Top 10 Prominent Companies

Offshore Business Processing

Offshore Business Processing specialises in IT outsourcing services, including data processing, digitalization, and human resource management. Over the years in the market, the company has become a reliable partner of many leading businesses in Australia

IT Outsourcing in Australia: Top 10 Prominent Companies
Offshore Business Processing

KMS Solutions

KMS Solutions is a well-known name in the Australian IT outsourcing industry. This company offers various information technology services, from software development to IT infrastructure management.

IT Outsourcing in Australia: Top 10 Prominent Companies
KMS Solutions

Ontik Technology

Ontik Technology is a pioneering company providing information technology solutions and custom software for Australian businesses. As IT outsourcing is becoming increasingly popular in Australia and Asian countries, Ontik Technology expands its services with a high-quality team of professionals.

IT Outsourcing in Australia: Top 10 Prominent Companies
Ontik Technology

AIS Technolabs

In addition to providing professional IT outsourcing teams, AIS Technolabs also offers Australian businesses custom software solutions, mobile applications, and web development services.

IT Outsourcing in Australia: Top 10 Prominent Companies
AIS Technolabs


pwrteams possesses a highly skilled IT team in various aspects such as app development, software, website building, SaaS application deployment, QA, and Testing. With reasonable pricing, pwrteams has assisted Australian businesses with over 200 professional IT teams for many years.

IT Outsourcing in Australia: Top 10 Prominent Companies

Intogreat Solutions

Intogreat Solutions is a renowned provider of IT consulting services and software outsourcing in Australia. Additionally, you can seek professional IT outsourcing solutions at Intogreat Solutions.

IT Outsourcing in Australia: Top 10 Prominent Companies
Intogreat Solutions

All IT Services

Similar to its brand name, this company provides outsourcing services for all IT-related services. All IT Services has offered reasonable and customized pricing based on the project scale and specific needs of businesses.

The Final Words

In an increasingly competitive and evolving information technology market like Australia, choosing the right IT outsourcing partner is key to achieving success and sustainable development for businesses. The above list has provided a diverse set of reputable and reliable partners, from software development companies to security services and IT infrastructure management providers.

Need advice or help building a professional IT team? Contact SECOM or call (+84)28 7108 9908 now!

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The 10 Best Magento Agencies in Australia You Should Know

In recent years, the emergence of many Magento agencies has helped the Australian eCommerce market grow. These developers are experienced and trustworthy, not only Magento experts but also reliable companions, ensuring their clients succeed online. 

In this article, let’s explore the top 10 Magento agencies in Australia, helping you find the right partner for your project. 

Read more: Top 10 Magento eCommerce websites in Australia

What is Magento?

Magento (now owned by Adobe Commerce) is an open-source system for building customized eCommerce websites. It is highly flexible and offers a range of powerful features to make website building and management more efficient.

From creating attractive and user-friendly interfaces to managing products, orders, and customers, Magento provides a comprehensive infrastructure to optimize the online shopping experience.

Why partner with Magento agencies?

Partnering with Magento agencies can be beneficial in implementing your eCommerce project. Here are four essential reasons to consider working with a partner specialized in the Magento platform.

Professional Expertise

Magento agencies typically have teams of experts who deeply understand this platform. Most of these companies will participate in the Adobe Commerce Partners program, where the platform supports them regarding technical support, learning resources, commission earnings, and branding.

Furthermore, these agencies must demonstrate that they meet the standards to become official Magento partners. Therefore, partnering with them will help you launch your eCommerce websites quickly and optimize business performance by leveraging features and integrations.

Optimized performance

Optimizing the performance of Magento websites is crucial to ensuring customers’ best shopping experience and increasing conversion rates. Professional Magento agencies can optimize the source code, improve page loading speed, and optimize checkout pages, helping businesses effectively attract and retain customers.

Optimized time and costs

Partnering with a Magento development company can help save time and costs compared to building and managing an eCommerce website independently. This is especially true if you have limited time and must go live with your eCommerce website as soon as possible.

Working with such developers becomes even more worth considering. These agencies already have the tools, processes, and experience to deploy projects efficiently and quickly.

Integration and scalability

Magento’s open-source nature allows developers to help you integrate third-party applications and extend website functionality based on specific needs. Additionally, they can provide custom solutions and development extensions, ensuring your eCommerce operations continually evolve and meet market demands.

The 10 Best Magento Agencies in Australia You Should Know
4 reasons why you should partner with a Magento agency

5 Criteria for choosing the right Magento agency

When collaborating with a Magento agency, choosing the right partner is crucial to ensure the success of the eCommerce project. Below are five core criteria to help you choose the right partner.

Magento Expertise

Any Magento agency must deploy eCommerce projects based on Magento, an open-source platform with superior customization and scalability. You must ensure the chosen developer has the knowledge and skills to deploy the Magento platform. They must also have a team of capable experts to build, customize, and optimize eCommerce websites based on specific requirements.

Insight into the Australian eCommerce market

It isn’t easy to effectively leverage Magento’s customization and scalability to build an eCommerce website with shopping experiences tailored to Australians’ needs. 

This requires technical skills, expertise in the Magento platform, and a deep understanding of the Australian eCommerce market. Therefore, the agency needs to understand the target audience, shopping behaviours, legal regulations, and other factors related to the unique business culture in this country.

Magento project portfolio

Evaluating the projects previously implemented by Magento agencies is an effective way to measure their capabilities and experience. By examining past projects, you can assess their ability to solve specific challenges and whether the solutions proposed for each case are flexible and up-to-date with market development trends.

Client testimonials and feedback

Evaluating and considering feedback from previous clients will benefit you in the decision-making process. You can search and verify reviews from various sources and clients to ensure objectivity and transparency. This is necessary to ensure that Magento agencies have the skills and experience required to complete the eCommerce project as requested.

Post-Deployment Support and Maintenance

After completing and launching the Magento website, technical issues must be addressed and supported. You must choose Magento agencies committed to providing quick support and continuous maintenance after the project. This ensures that the website remains stable, any technical errors are promptly addressed, and the latest platform version is kept secure and up-to-date.

The 10 Best Magento Agencies in Australia You Should Know
How to choose your right Magento partner?

Top 10 Magento agencies in Australia

Below is a list of the top 10 Magento agencies in Australia, recognized for their experience and expertise in developing eCommerce websites on the Magento platform.


SECOMM is one of the leading Magento development partners in Australia. With over 10 years of experience, SECOMM boasts a highly experienced team with a deep understanding of the Australian eCommerce market.

The SECOMM team has successfully collaborated on and implemented a series of Magento projects with significant clients in Kangaroo, such as Laybyland, Trentham Estate, The Rod Shop, and Seconds Deals.

Leveraging Magento’s strengths, SECOMM helps its clients customize and expand various functionalities according to their specific needs and integrate with third-party tools and applications to optimize operations and deliver a unique customer experience.

The 10 Best Magento Agencies in Australia You Should Know


This company is renowned for its diverse eCommerce services, including solutions for building online stores on the Magento platform. WEBDESK SOLUTION is committed to providing professional technical support services during and after deployment.

Wiser Brand 

Wiser Brand specializes in building and developing eCommerce websites targeting enterprises in Australia and New Zealand. The company holds prestigious certifications related to Magento and boasts a large team of experts with extensive experience.

Aron Web Solutions

Aron Web Solutions develops and expands rapidly into significant markets such as the UK, US, and India. Aron offers a variety of eCommerce solutions related to Magento, including Magento website design and development for mobile shopping applications.


Over the years, Webential has officially become one of the leading Magento agencies in Australia. In addition to Magento, Webential offers various flexible solutions, ensuring that all projects are implemented efficiently and professionally.

Magneto IT Solutions

Magneto IT Solutions is a Magento agency with diverse experience across industries. They provide custom and professional solutions to meet the specific requirements.


In Australia, Acid Green is a leading eCommerce website developer in Magento and Shopify Plus. The team’s experience and expertise in open-source and SaaS platforms are sufficient to help the company maintain its position in the market.


Intuji provides eCommerce solutions for retail and B2B brands in Australia. Intuji’s strength lies in Magento and in leveraging various platforms and technologies to build custom eCommerce websites tailored to each business model.

Enterprise Monkey

This company provides services for eCommerce businesses in Australia, ranging from building online stores to mobile shopping applications. With its extensive experience, Enterprise Monkey can help develop customized shopping experiences using AR/VR and AI technologies.

Aussie Website

Aussie Website has established its position as a reputable Magento agency in Melbourne and Australia in general. They are committed to providing flexible and innovative solutions to help you optimize your eCommerce operations.

The Final Words

The emergence of numerous Magento developers in Australia has opened up opportunities for businesses to build and develop eCommerce brand websites. By selecting partners based on certain evaluation criteria, you can ensure that projects are implemented more smoothly, professionally, and effectively.

Need more advice to make a decision? Contact SECOMM or call (+84)28 7108 9908 for a free consultation!

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The 10 Best eCommerce Development Agencies in Australia

The Australian eCommerce market is vibrant and promising, and partnering with reliable eCommerce development agencies is the key to enhancing online presence. With many developers striving to impress with their superior solutions, choosing the right partner has become more challenging than ever.

In this article, let’s explore Australia’s top 10 leading eCommerce developers and the factors to evaluate a potential development partner.

Read more: Top 10 leading eCommerce websites in Australia

4 Criteria to choose the right eCommerce development agency

Here are the 4 key factors to consider when choosing a reliable eCommerce development partner that aligns with your needs. From deep market understanding to the ability to adopt new technologies, these criteria will help you make strategic decisions and achieve success in today’s eCommerce landscape.

Insight into the Australian eCommerce market

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing an eCommerce development agency is its understanding of the Australian eCommerce market. Leading developers will have a deep knowledge of trends, competitors, target customers, and shopping behavior.

This understanding helps design and build effective eCommerce websites, from optimizing the shopping experience to implementing customized solutions that support decision-making processes for future marketing strategies.

Platforms and Technologies in use

You need to consider the agency’s platform and technological expertise to ensure they are suitable and capable of meeting the goals of the upcoming eCommerce project. Many developers focus solely on a particular type of technology and platform, while others have experience with various eCommerce technologies and platforms.

With the current eCommerce trends in Australia, most developers offer their services based on platforms such as Magento, Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, and OroCommerce.

Read more: 

Top 10 Magento Agencies in Australia

Top 10 Shopify Plus Agencies in Australia

The 10 Best eCommerce Development Agencies in Australia
How to choose your right eCommerce development agency?

eCommerce portfolio

Evaluating past projects executed by eCommerce development agencies is an effective way to measure their capabilities and experience. By examining previous projects, you can assess their ability to solve specific challenges and whether the solutions proposed for each case are flexible and up-to-date with market development trends.

Client testimonials and feedback

Previous customers are a valuable source of information for assessing an eCommerce developer’s quality and reliability. Their feedback provides genuine insight into the developer’s work experience, product and service quality, and post-deployment support capabilities. This helps you make informed and effective decisions when selecting an eCommerce development agency.

Top 10 eCommerce development agencies in Australia

Below is a list of Australia’s top 10 leading companies in eCommerce development, ranging from pioneering innovators to reputable developers with years of experience. These developers have built and deployed hundreds of successful eCommerce projects, delivering real value to their businesses and customers.


The 10 Best eCommerce Development Agencies in Australia

Over ten years, SECOMM has become a reliable eCommerce development agency for many Australian businesses such as Laybyland, The Rod Shop, Seconds Deals, and Trentham Estate. By providing innovative and customized solutions, SECOMM not only meets basic requirements but also goes further, creating unique and engaging online shopping experiences.

SECOMM’s strengths lie in Magento, Shopify Plus, and Headless Commerce. This team’s deep understanding of the market and strong technical expertise have enabled it to quickly grasp each project’s goals and outline detailed plans for completion with guaranteed quality and timelines.


The 10 Best eCommerce Development Agencies in Australia

WEBDESK SOLUTION is known as a leading full-stack eCommerce developer in Australia. They utilize platforms such as Magento, Shopify, PretaShop, and Shift4Shop to deliver customized solutions to meet eCommerce deployment needs.

Emote Digital

The 10 Best eCommerce Development Agencies in Australia
Emote Digital

This company has built a reputation in the Australian market as a designer and developer of eCommerce websites. They use platforms like Drupal, Sitecore, WordPress, BigCommerce, Shopify, and Magento to create unique shopping experiences and genuine customer interactions.

Aron Web Solutions

The 10 Best eCommerce Development Agencies in Australia
Aron Web Solutions

Aron Web Solutions is renowned for providing customized and professional eCommerce solutions, helping businesses optimize online performance. Aron has expanded its business operations to the UK, US, and Indian markets.


The 10 Best eCommerce Development Agencies in Australia

Inserito aims to develop eCommerce solutions for large enterprises based on platforms such as Magento, Shopify, NetSuite, and BigCommerce. They are committed to providing effective and sustainable solutions for businesses.

Magneto IT Solutions

The 10 Best eCommerce Development Agencies in Australia
Magneto IT Solutions

Magneto IT Solutions is an eCommerce development agency with diverse experience across industries. They provide customized and professional solutions to meet the specific requirements.


The 10 Best eCommerce Development Agencies in Australia

In Australia, Webential is a specialized unit that designs and builds eCommerce websites while providing related services in digital marketing. The company has a highly skilled team that proposes suitable solutions to optimize customer experience and implement effective marketing campaigns.

Enterprise Monkey

The 10 Best eCommerce Development Agencies in Australia
Enterprise Monkey

This company provides services for eCommerce businesses in Australia, from building online stores to mobile shopping applications. With its extensive experience, Enterprise Monkey can help develop customized shopping experiences using AR/VR and AI technologies.

Aussie Website

The 10 Best eCommerce Development Agencies in Australia
Aussie Website

Aussie Website has established itself as a leading reputable eCommerce development agency in Melbourne city and Australia. They are committed to providing flexible and innovative solutions to help businesses optimize their eCommerce operations.

Spring Web Solutions

The 10 Best eCommerce Development Agencies in Australia
Spring Web Solutions

Spring Web Solutions is renowned for providing flexible and effective eCommerce solutions, helping businesses thrive online. Its technologies include Drupal, PretaShop, WordPress, Shopify, and Magento.

The Final Words

Above are 10 reputable and reliable eCommerce development agencies in Australia, along with essential criteria for choosing a suitable development partner. Each company offers unique characteristics and benefits to its clients, from deep market understanding to creativity and technical prowess.

Need more advice? Contact SECOMM or call (+84)28 7108 9908 for a free consultation!

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The 10 Leading Shopify Plus Agencies In Australia

The Shopify Plus agencies in Australia are more than just experts in this eCommerce platform; they’re also dependable allies in your online business growth. The Australian eCommerce market has experienced significant expansion in recent years, so choosing the right Shopify Plus development partner is a pivotal strategic move. 

In this article, we’ll outline Australia’s top 10 premier Shopify Plus developers and the criteria for selecting the ideal partner for your eCommerce development project.

Read more: Top 10 Shopify Plus eCommerce websites in Australia

What is Shopify Plus?

Shopify Plus is an advanced eCommerce platform tailored for large enterprises that aim to expand their business operations and elevate their customers’ online shopping experience. It offers a robust infrastructure for building custom eCommerce websites and flexible scalability for seamless integration with third-party applications.

Moreover, the platform continuously evolves and enhances its exclusive solutions, empowering businesses to operate more efficiently and deliver an exceptional customer experience.

The 10 Leading Shopify Plus Agencies In Australia
Shopify Plus

Read more: 15 reasons to migrate to Shopify Plus

Why partner with Shopify Plus agencies?

This is an important question that many businesses often ask when starting their eCommerce projects. Below are some reasons why collaborating with a Shopify Plus development company:

Professional Expertise

Shopify Plus developers typically have teams of experts highly skilled in this platform. Most companies will participate in the Shopify Plus Partners program, receiving technical support, educational resources, commissions, and branding.

Moreover, these developers must demonstrate that they meet the standards to become official Shopify Plus partners. Therefore, collaborating with them will help businesses launch their eCommerce websites quickly while utilizing features and integrations to optimize business performance.

Cost and Time Optimization

Partnering with Shopify Plus agencies can save time and costs compared to independently building and managing an eCommerce website.

Collaboration becomes even more valuable when tight deadlines and rapid online store deployment are required. These developers already have the tools, processes, and experience to efficiently and swiftly deploy projects.

Ongoing Support

It is crucial to ensure smooth and stable website operation after launch. Shopify Plus developers often provide continuous support services after the project is completed.

This involves the ongoing maintenance and management of the website, along with technical assistance, to ensure seamless operation and constant alignment with Shopify Plus’s latest features.

Read more: Shopify Plus and Advanced: Which one is right for you?

The 10 Leading Shopify Plus Agencies In Australia
3 reasons for partnering with a Shopify Plus agency

Four criteria for choosing the right Shopify Plus agency in Australia

Partnering with any development company in Australia can greatly influence the success or failure of a Shopify Plus implementation project. Here are four key criteria to consider when seeking a suitable developer:

Shopify Plus Expertise

A thorough understanding and experience with this platform are essential when developing an eCommerce project with Shopify Plus. Therefore, this is the primary point to evaluate any potential development agency.

You must ensure that the chosen developer has the knowledge and skills to implement the Shopify Plus platform. They need a team of capable experts to build, customize, and optimize eCommerce websites based on specific.

Insight into the Australian eCommerce Scene

Designing and building a website with a customized shopping experience tailored to the needs of Australian consumers isn’t an easy task. This requires technical skills and expertise in the Shopify Plus platform and a deep understanding of how the Australian eCommerce market operates.

Therefore, developers need to understand the target audience, their shopping behaviours, legal regulations, and other factors related to the distinctive business culture in this country.

Client Testimonials

Evaluating feedback from previous clients can be valuable in the decision-making process. You can check reviews from various sources and clients to ensure objectivity and transparency. The Shopify Plus developer must have the necessary skills and experience to complete the eCommerce project as required.

Post-Deployment Support and Maintenance

When your Shopify Plus website is done and launched, you must pay attention to technical support and maintenance. That’s why should opt for a development agency dedicated to providing prompt support and ongoing maintenance after completing the project.

This ensures the website’s stability, swift resolution of technical glitches, and consistent security updates to keep the site current with the latest platform versions.

The 10 Leading Shopify Plus Agencies In Australia
4 things to keep in mind when choosing your true partner

Top 10 Shopify Plus Agencies in Australia

The continuous growth of the Australian eCommerce market has led to an increasing demand for collaboration with top-notch developers, especially those specializing in the Shopify Plus platform. Below are the top 10 Shopify Plus development companies in Australia:


With over 10 years of experience in the eCommerce industry, SECOMM is one of the trustworthy Shopify Plus developers in Australia. SECOMM can design and build Shopify Plus eCommerce websites, implement Headless Shopify Hydrogen, migrate platforms to Shopify Plus, and provide related services. 

Moreover, the company offers various custom solutions based on different technology platforms such as Magento, WordPress, WooCommerce, and commercetools. With a team of talented and professional experts, SECOMM ensures the success of eCommerce projects collaborating with Australian clients. Notable among these are Laybyland, Trentham Estate, The Rod Shop, and Seconds Deals.

The 10 Leading Shopify Plus Agencies In Australia

Drive Digital

Dive Digital provides eCommerce consulting services, UI/UX design, and Shopify website development. Its solutions optimise customers’ online shopping experiences and enhance business performance.


10SQ aims to become the leading Shopify Plus development company in Australia, making it easy for businesses to access specialized services for this platform. Here, businesses can find customized solutions to expand and enhance their eCommerce systems efficiently.

Aron Web Solutions

Aron gathers highly skilled eCommerce developers proficient in various platforms and technologies, including Shopify Plus. The company has expanded its operations to many countries beyond Australia, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and India.

Clean Commit 

Clean Commit is a reliable partner with high expertise in developing and optimizing websites on the Shopify Plus platform. They are committed to providing effective and sustainable solutions for businesses.

Magneto IT Solutions

Magneto IT Solutions is a Shopify Plus developer with diverse industry experience. They offer customized and professional solutions to meet the specific requirements of businesses.


In Australia, Acidgreen is renowned as a leading developer of eCommerce websites, excelling in Magento and Shopify Plus. The team’s experience and expertise in open-source and SaaS platforms are sufficient to maintain the company’s position in the market

30 Acres

This company develops solutions for businesses in Australia and New Zealand looking to implement eCommerce with Shopify Plus. Additionally, they provide continuous support even after the project is completed.


Pipelabs’ solutions aim to deploy Omnichannel eCommerce on the Shopify Plus platform. Numerous projects’ success and positive reviews from previous clients attest to Pipelabs’ capabilities.

Moustache Republic

Moustache Republic is among the clients looking to implement Shopify Plus and BigCommerce. They provide solutions for eCommerce deployment based on these two platforms and offer seamless and efficient platform migration solutions.

The Final Words

The partners mentioned above are just a few of Australia’s skilled and trustworthy Shopify Plus developers. Choosing the most suitable partner to ensure your eCommerce objectives’ success and sustainable growth depends on your project’s specific requirements.

Start with Shopify Plus today with specialised solutions from SECOMM. Contact us or call (+84)28 7108 9908 for a free consultation!

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The 8 Best Consumer Electronics Websites in Australia

In recent years, the online consumer electronics industry in Australia has seen unprecedented growth. According to IBISWorld, the revenue for this sector reached $5.3 billion in 2023, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.7% over the past 5 years. 

Let’s explore the websites of 8 consumer electronics brands that have significantly contributed to the industry’s development through optimized online shopping experiences tailored to the satisfaction of Australian customers.


When mentioning Samsung, people immediately think of cutting-edge smartphones and tablets. However, this tech giant doesn’t stop there. Other products like smart TVs and home appliances are also particularly favoured by global consumers. 

In Australia, Samsung’s eCommerce website is the ideal online shopping destination for consumer electronics. With a modern, user-friendly interface and smooth navigation, the website provides customers with a seamless experience in every aspect of browsing, product exploration, and payment.

Additionally, the website features a dedicated section called #Explore, offering numerous shares and helpful tips to sync with modern life.

The 8 Best Consumer Electronics Websites in Australia


Apple’s website is also the preferred shopping destination for Australian consumers, alongside its nationwide chain of offline stores. With the perfect blend of elegant design and cutting-edge technology, this website is not just a place to explore and purchase high-quality Apple products but also an immersive experience in modernity and luxury.

Additionally, exclusive policies and top-notch customer service contribute to Apple maintaining a large base of loyal customers in Australia and worldwide.

The 8 Best Consumer Electronics Websites in Australia

JB Hi-Fi

JB Hi-Fi is a consumer electronics brand in Australia that has gained worldwide recognition after more than 50 years of operation. In addition to investing in marketing and sales operations in its chain of offline stores across Australia, JB Hi-Fi’s eCommerce website is also given significant attention.

With a user-friendly and easy-to-navigate interface, JB Hi-Fi’s website enables consumers to easily search for and choose from thousands of products. Competitive pricing policies and excellent customer service are the factors that JB Hi-Fi consistently commits to, aiming to provide the best online shopping experience for Australian customers.

The 8 Best Consumer Electronics Websites in Australia
JB Hi-Fi

The Good Guys

The Good Guys is a prominent and reputable name in the Australian consumer electronics market. Over the years, they have built up a vast product portfolio, including TVs, refrigerators, laptops, audio devices, and washing machines from leading global brands.

Attentive customer care services have also been a positive aspect that has earned The Good Guys favour among Australian consumers for many decades.

The Good Guys’ consumer electronics website allows customers to conveniently shop with a diverse range of choices. Additionally, attractive promotions and deals are regularly applied to attract customers. Furthermore, this retailer has implemented a Loyalty Program to satisfy their loyal customers.

The 8 Best Consumer Electronics Websites in Australia
The Good Guys

Appliances Online

The Appliances Online consumer electronics website is considered a paradise where customers can find the most suitable items for their needs and budget. The intuitive website interface makes it easy for customers to search for and compare products, providing detailed information and user reviews to help them make informed purchasing decisions.

Appliances Online also offers various attractive customer services such as free shipping, product trade-ins and recycling, and 24/7 support via a hotline. The flexible payment methods are also an advantage of this retail site, allowing customers to choose between credit cards, electronic wallets, or instalment payments with a Buy Now Pay Later option.

The 8 Best Consumer Electronics Websites in Australia
Appliances Online


Dick Smith

Since its launch in 1968, Dick Smith has firmly established its position in the Australian consumer electronics market. In its early years, Dick Smith focused on providing electronic products and components. It quickly expanded its product portfolio from electronics and home appliances to computers, mobile phones, cameras, tech toys, and other technology and entertainment-related items.

Dick Smith has invested in building an eCommerce website with advanced features on the Magento platform. The intuitive and user-friendly interface of the Dick Smith website makes it easy for Australian consumers to search for and compare products, as well as enjoy special offers and attractive discounts.

The 8 Best Consumer Electronics Websites in Australia
Dick Smith

Jaycar Electronics

With a simple yet effective mission to provide a convenient and quality shopping experience, Jaycar Electronics has quickly become a reliable companion for Australian consumers. Jaycar Electronics offers a diverse range of products, including printers, USB ports, audio speakers, solar energy batteries, security cameras, and smart home products.

Jaycar Electronics’s eCommerce website is designed for easy navigation, allowing customers to quickly find and view products by category. The checkout process is also streamlined to shorten the payment process and reduce cart abandonment rates.

Additionally, customers have various shopping options, such as online purchases, in-store pickup, online purchases with free delivery, and buy now pay later. Jaycar Electronics has also introduced a Loyalty program to encourage customers to shop with exclusive benefits.

The 8 Best Consumer Electronics Websites in Australia
Jaycar Electronics
  • Website:
  • Platform: SAP Commerce Cloud 
  • Traffic: 3.9 M/month
  • Ranking: #639 (Australia) & #44,172 (Global)

Centre Com

After many years of operation, Centre Com is recognized as one of the leading destinations where consumers can experience diversity and quality across a range of products. Centre Com’s consumer electronics website offers products such as PCs, laptops, CPUs, keyboards, cables, and audio speakers.

The website has been developed and customized with many advanced features to make searching, browsing, ordering, and payment easier.

When it comes to payment, the brand applies Buy Now Pay Later options with Afterpay and Zip, in addition to traditional payment methods, providing customers with more choices and flexibility without hesitation when making purchases.

The 8 Best Consumer Electronics Websites in Australia
Centre Com

Build your first consumer electronics website today!

Here are the top 10 consumer electronics websites in Australia. By deploying superior platforms such as Magento, Shopify Plus, and SAP, these brands have provided an optimal online shopping experience and successfully captivated both local and international consumers.

Throughout years of development, SECOMM and many Australian clients have collaborated to create proud eCommerce websites. Projects with Laybyland, Jasnor, Rod Shop, and others stand out.

Contact SECOMM or call directly at hotline 028 7108 9908 to start today!

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The 8 Best Cosmetics eCommerce Websites in Australia

Cosmetics eCommerce in Australia has experienced significant growth and reached a total revenue milestone of 2.9 billion USD in 2023. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift towards online shopping for beauty products in Australia.

Consumers are increasingly comfortable purchasing cosmetics online, with over 2,425 online businesses providing beauty products from various brands.

Let’s explore 8 of Australia’s most renowned cosmetic retail brands and how they solidify their positions through custom-developed eCommerce websites designed to enhance the overall customer experience.


Priceline is not only a leading destination for cosmetics shopping but also a reliable address for those seeking professional skincare advice. This brand has secured a significant position in the Australian cosmetics market, known for organizing informative events and courses to provide customers with beauty knowledge and help them choose the right products for their skin.

Priceline’s eCommerce website, with its user-friendly interface, easy navigation, and smart search features, enables customers to find and purchase products effortlessly. Additionally, the loyalty programs and promotions are chosen by Priceline to satisfy current customers and attract more potential customers.

The 8 Best Cosmetics eCommerce Websites in Australia
  • Website:
  • Platform: SAP Commerce Cloud
  • Traffic: 10.6 M/month
  • Ranking: #208 (Australia) & #14,642 (Global)

Adore Beauty

Popular across Australia, Adore Beauty offers a diverse range of quality products from many leading cosmetic brands, providing customers with a comprehensive and unique online shopping experience. Adore Beauty invests in the customer experience on both its eCommerce website and customized mobile app to cater to various operating systems and screen sizes.

Adore Beauty also stands out by providing special features like “Adore Beauty IQ,” an intelligent personal advisory tool based on user skin information and personal preferences. This helps customers choose products that meet their skincare and beauty needs.

The 8 Best Cosmetics eCommerce Websites in Australia
Adore Beauty


The world’s leading cosmetics retailer, Sephora, has established a strong presence in the Australian market. With a diversity of brands and personal care products, Sephora is not just a cosmetics shopping destination but also a place to experience the latest beauty trends.

A unique feature on Sephora’s website is the “Virtual Artist,” a virtual reality technology that allows users to try cosmetics online on their faces through a webcam or personal photo. This helps customers better understand how the products will look on their skin before making a purchase.

Sephora’s loyalty program, called Sephora Beauty Pass, offers many attractive benefits for its members. Members have the opportunity to get new products before the launch date, earn points with each purchase, and gain access to exclusive events. The point system also allows users to accumulate points and exchange them for special discounts and free products.

Thanks to this loyalty program, Sephora has built a strong community of beauty enthusiasts and encourages customer loyalty.

The 8 Best Cosmetics eCommerce Websites in Australia
  • Website:
  • Platform: PHP programming language
  • Traffic: 6.7 M/month
  • Ranking: #330 (Australia) & #23,662 (Global)

Lila Beauty

Lila Beauty has gained the trust of consumers and maintained its position in the Australian beauty industry through a diverse product portfolio that includes cosmetics, skincare, hair care, and beauty tools from prominent brands in South Korea and Japan.

In addition to unique features integrated into the eCommerce website, Lila Beauty offers attractive deals and promotions, notably the E-gift card. Lila Beauty’s E-gift cards are not just an excellent way to gift loved ones and friends but also provide a flexible shopping experience for the recipients.

Customers can easily choose the gift card value and send it via email, creating a convenient way to share the joy of beauty.

Another distinctive aspect of the brand is the Lila Beauty Wholesales (B2B) program, offering excellent collaboration opportunities for businesses and beauty professionals. This program provides high-quality wholesale solutions with discounted prices targeting retailers, spas, and other business partners.

The 8 Best Cosmetics eCommerce Websites in Australia
Lila Beauty

W Cosmetics

The W Cosmetics chain of beauty stores is a prominent name in the Australian market and has rapidly expanded to a total of 21 stores. This brand appeals to various customer segments by offering a diverse range of beauty and personal care products from major Japanese and Korean brands.

W Cosmetics’ eCommerce website for cosmetics is a frequently visited destination for Australian consumers, thanks to its optimized shopping experience and excellent customer service. The Store Locator feature is a unique point that helps customers easily identify and locate the nearest stores or retail outlets.

Additionally, customers can seek remote assistance or advice through email, live chat, and the We Chat messaging app.

The 8 Best Cosmetics eCommerce Websites in Australia
W Cosmetics

Oz Hair and Beauty

After more than 12 years in the market, Oz Hair and Beauty has become a go-to destination for beauty enthusiasts across Australia. Oz Hair and Beauty focuses on providing hair care and beauty products for both men and women.

The eCommerce website is not only a place to shop for beauty products online but also a hub for staying updated on the latest beauty knowledge and trends. Additionally, this retail brand has implemented a loyalty program in the form of a tiered system called Oz World, allowing customers to accumulate points and receive exclusive benefits when participating. 

The Virtual Beauty Consultation service from Oz Hair and Beauty is a crucial part of delivering a personalized shopping experience for customers. Customers can seek professional advice on hair care and beauty through online consultations, helping them choose products tailored to their specific needs.

This reflects Oz Hair and Beauty’s commitment to meeting and exceeding customer expectations in the beauty and hair care industry.

The 8 Best Cosmetics eCommerce Websites in Australia
Oz Hair and Beauty

Nudie Glow

The retailer Nudie Glow specializes in providing beauty products from local Australian, Japanese, and Korean brands. Gaining consumer trust through excellent service and quality products, Nudie Glow has gradually established a strong position in the Australian beauty and cosmetics market.

Nudie Glow’s eCommerce website is intelligently designed and user-friendly. The website not only provides a convenient online shopping experience but also serves as a reliable source of information on new trends, beauty tips, and success stories from the beauty community.

Nudie Glow’s wholesale program is an excellent opportunity for business partners, to offer high-quality wholesale solutions at discounted prices, facilitate brand expansion, and create long-term collaboration opportunities.

The 8 Best Cosmetics eCommerce Websites in Australia
Nudie Glow
  • Website:
  • Platform: Shopify Plus
  • Traffic: 907 K/month
  • Ranking: #2,764 (Australia) & #169,458 (Global)


Mecca’s cosmetic, hair care, and personal care products are not only designed for female customers but are also the top choice for gentlemen. The brand has created an exclusive product line named MECCA COSMETICA and MECCA MAX.

Additionally, for professional medical-standard skincare advice and treatment, customers can avail themselves of the MECCA Aesthetica service with transparent and clear pricing.

MECCA also implements a customer membership program, allowing members to earn points with their purchases for gift redemptions and exclusive discounts on special occasions.

The 8 Best Cosmetics eCommerce Websites in Australia


  • Website:
  • Platform: PHP programming language
  • Traffic: 466 M/month
  • Ranking: #20,437 (Australia) & #853,487 (Global)

Xây dựng website thương mại điện tử mỹ phẩm ngay hôm nay!

Trên đây là 8 website thương mại điện tử mỹ phẩm được yêu thích hàng đầu tại Úc, mỗi trang web đều mang đến những trải nghiệm mua sắm độc đáo và đa dạng.

Trong nhiều năm qua, SECOMM nổi bật với bề dày kinh nghiệm hợp tác nhiều doanh nghiệp Úc để cùng xây dựng nên những website thương mại điện tử tuỳ chỉnh, đáp ứng tốt đặc thù của mỗi ngành công nghiệp. 

Nếu doanh nghiệp đang tìm kiếm một đối tác đáng tin cậy để phát triển và tối ưu hóa website thương mại điện tử của mình, hãy liên hệ ngay với SECOMM hoặc gọi (+84)28 7108 9908 ngay hôm nay!

Build your first cosmetics eCommerce website today!

Above are the top 8 favorite cosmetics eCommerce websites in Australia, each providing unique and diverse shopping experiences.

For many years, SECOMM has stood out with its extensive experience collaborating with numerous Australian businesses to create custom eCommerce websites that cater well to the specific needs of each industry.

If you’re looking for a reliable partner to develop and optimize its eCommerce website, contact SECOMM today at (+84)28 7108 9908!

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The 8 Best Wine eCommerce Websites In Australia

The wine eCommerce industry in Australia is rapidly growing and has the potential for further expansion in the future. According to IBISWorld, the revenue for this sector is projected to surpass $374 billion by 2023, with an annual growth rate of 10.51%. 

Let’s explore the websites of the 8 most beloved liquor brands in Australia that have contributed to driving the growth of wine eCommerce in this market.

Dan Murphy’s

Dan Murphy’s is a retail brand specializing in the sale of top-quality wines and alcoholic beverages in Australia. With a history of over 60 years in operation, Dan Murphy’s has built a strong reputation within the Australian consumer community.

Through its chain of traditional stores and eCommerce website, Dan Murphy’s enables customers to shop with a wide range of options and convenience.

The eCommerce website of Dan Murphy’s is where customers can experience easy and flexible online shopping. With a user-friendly interface, the website provides detailed product information, consumer reviews, and attractive promotional programs.

Customers can enjoy a comfortable and secure shopping experience with assurance regarding the quality and origin of products from this reputable brand.

The 8 Best Wine eCommerce Websites In Australia
Dan Murphy’s
  • Website:
  • Platform: PHP programming language
  • Traffic: 4.1 M/month
  • Ranking: #216 (Australia) & #15,233 (Global)


BWS is known as a leading alcohol retail brand in Australia. The brand is renowned for its diverse product portfolio, including wines, domestic and international beers, as well as various spirits from around the world.

BWS’s wine eCommerce website provides a convenient and flexible online shopping experience. In addition to offering detailed product information and prices, the website incorporates various special features. These include exclusive promotional programs, consumer reviews, advanced search options, and one-page checkout.

In addition to the eCommerce website, BWS has developed a mobile app, allowing customers to shop conveniently anytime, anywhere.

The 8 Best Wine eCommerce Websites In Australia
  • Website:
  • Platform: PHP programming language
  • Traffic: 1.8 M/month
  • Ranking: #517 (Australia) & #35,725 (Global)


Liquorland is one of the prominent names in the alcohol retail market in Australia. With over 700 stores spread across the country, Liquorland has established a strong presence in the market and has become a favorite destination for those who appreciate fine wines and exceptional beverages.

Liquorland not only focuses on providing quality products but also emphasizes a comfortable and friendly shopping experience through its eCommerce website. The website is built with various unique features such as product filtering and search, displaying products by category, showcasing customer reviews, options for delivery and in-store pickup, and one-page checkout.

The 8 Best Wine eCommerce Websites In Australia

First Choice Liquor 

The liquor and alcohol retail chain First Choice Liquor owns over 100 stores throughout Australia and is the choice of many consumers in the country. This retail brand offers a diverse range of products such as wines, spirits, beers, and various alcoholic beverages worldwide.

On the First Choice Liquor eCommerce website, customers can easily search, browse, and purchase products through a user-friendly and navigable interface. Several unique features are also integrated into the website to optimize the customer experience.

These include store locator functionality, choosing the nearest store, product filtering, and search, displaying detailed product information, one-page checkout, delivery and pickup options, and more.

The 8 Best Wine eCommerce Websites In Australia
First Choice Liquor


Vinomofo is a renowned wine brand from Australia with a simple yet powerful slogan, “Make wine fun.” This brand has created a passionate community around wine, where people can share and enjoy the collective enthusiasm for wine culture.

Vinomofo’s eCommerce website is built with advanced features such as product filtering and search, product previews, displaying detailed product information, showing related products, and one-page checkout. In addition, Vinomofo provides customers with a shopping policy that includes various payment methods and flexible return and exchange policies.

The 8 Best Wine eCommerce Websites In Australia
  • Website:
  • Platform: PHP programming language 
  • Traffic: 658.2 K/month
  • Ranking: #3,615 (Australia) & #211,091 (Global)

Wine Direct

Wine Direct is known for its diverse product portfolio, ranging from classic wine bottles to the most modern and popular options in the market. The brand also stands out for its excellent customer service, providing detailed product information and post-purchase care to ensure maximum customer satisfaction.

Wine Direct’s website is designed to be modern and user-friendly, offering an easy and comfortable online shopping experience. The website not only provides comprehensive information about each wine bottle but also integrates features such as consumer reviews and special promotional programs.

With a strong presence in the Australian market, Wine Direct continues to be a trusted destination for those who love and appreciate the art of wine tasting.

The 8 Best Wine eCommerce Websites In Australia
Wine Direct

Just Wines

With over a decade of experience, Just Wines has built a strong reputation for providing diversity and high quality to Australian consumers. What sets Just Wines apart is its focus on establishing direct connections with wine producers and top vineyards, ensuring a reliable supply of quality wines and diversity in the product catalog.

The brand takes pride in offering customers a wide selection, ranging from traditional wines to new and unique discoveries in the market.

Just Wines’ eCommerce website is designed to be simple and user-friendly, enabling consumers to easily search, compare, and conveniently purchase wines. Additionally, Just Wines implements a customer loyalty program with various exclusive deals and attractive promotions, creating favorable conditions for customers to enjoy wines at the best value.  

The 8 Best Wine eCommerce Websites In Australia
Just Wines
  • Website:
  • Platform: Magento
  • Traffic: 39.9 K/month
  • Ranking: #29,275 (Australia) & #1,121,766 (Global)

Trentham Estate 

Trentham Estate is a renowned wine brand with a strong presence in the Australian market. With over three decades of history, Trentham Estate has played a significant role in the development and shaping of the Australian wine industry.

The brand is well-known for producing high-quality wines from renowned grape varieties cultivated in carefully tended vineyards. Trentham Estate is not just a winemaking facility but also a smart vineyard, overseeing the process from grapevines to wine barrels.

Trentham Estate’s eCommerce website is built with Magento, allowing customization of how product information is displayed, implementation of promotional programs, optimization of the payment process, and integration of various payment methods. This contributes to providing customers with a comprehensive and flexible online shopping experience.

The 8 Best Wine eCommerce Websites In Australia
Trentham Estate

Build your first wine eCommerce website today!

Above are 8 famous wine brands in Australia and how they have built and developed their eCommerce websites. This is clear evidence of the importance of having a professional and convenient online platform in the 21st century.

With extensive experience collaborating with various Australian clients, SECOMM has established itself as a trustworthy partner in constructing and evolving eCommerce initiatives. Notably, the SECOMM team has successfully implemented eCommerce systems for numerous wine businesses across different countries, including Trentham Estate, Thewarehouse, Ishopchangi, and more.

We comprehend the distinct requirements of businesses in the alcohol and beverage sector and are dedicated to delivering optimal solutions that enhance the online shopping experience and boost overall business efficiency. 

If your business is in search of a professional partner to develop or enhance its eCommerce website, reach out to SECOMM or call (+84)28 7108 9908 today.

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The 8 Best Furniture eCommerce Websites In Australia

The furniture eCommerce industry in Australia has seen significant growth in recent years, driven by a shift in consumer preferences from traditional offline shopping to online platforms.

According to IBISWorld, the industry generated a revenue of $1.7 billion in Australia in 2023, showcasing a growth rate of 5.9%. IBISWorld also predicts that by 2029, the revenue for Australia’s furniture eCommerce industry is anticipated to reach $2.4 billion.

Let’s delve into how the websites of the following 8 brands have played a role in fostering the growth of the Australian furniture eCommerce sector.

Temple and Webster

Temple and Webster is one of Australia’s leading brands in the furniture and interior decoration industry. This brand offers a diverse range of furniture and decorative items and emphasizes quality at the most favorable prices. 

Over the years, Temple and Webster, operating without physical showrooms, has focused on online sales. Therefore, the eCommerce website of Temple and Webster has been invested in extensively, featuring a series of unique functionalities to optimize the customer shopping experience.

Notable features include Product Filtering and Search, Quick View of Products, Detailed Product Views, Displaying Products within the Same Category, and Order Checking. Additionally, Temple and Webster provides popular payment options in Australia such as PayPal, Afterpay, and Zip.

8 Website Thương Mại Điện Tử Nội Thất Hàng Đầu Nước Úc
Temple and Webster

Fantastic Furniture

For over 30 years, Fantastic Furniture has become the top choice for customers seeking flexible and efficient furniture solutions. Currently, the brand owns more than 80 retail stores nationwide in Australia. In the realm of online sales, Fantastic Furniture has focused on building and expanding its eCommerce website.

Several unique features have been customized to facilitate easy shopping for customers. Some of these include Quick Product View, Product Color Selection, Product Comparison, Displaying Real Product Photos from customers’ Instagram, and diverse payment options such as Afterpay, Zip, and Latitude.

8 Website Thương Mại Điện Tử Nội Thất Hàng Đầu Nước Úc
Fantastic Furniture

Amart Furniture

The next brand on this list is Amart Furniture. With a presence in over 40 locations in the Australian and New Zealand markets, Amart Furniture has gained popularity and trust from local consumers. The brand offers a diverse range of high-quality products and unique decorative solutions.

Amart Furniture’s furniture eCommerce website is a leading shopping destination in Australia, attracting over 6 million visits each month. With an intuitive interface and numerous advanced features, the website provides customers with a convenient and comfortable online shopping experience.

Additionally, Amart Furniture offers a 5-year quality guarantee on all its products and regularly introduces attractive promotional programs to attract and retain customers.

8 Website Thương Mại Điện Tử Nội Thất Hàng Đầu Nước Úc
Amart Furniture


Freedom is renowned for its minimalist and modern-style furniture products. The brand’s product portfolio is quite diverse, ranging from living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, outdoor furniture, and more. Freedom’s eCommerce website is designed with a harmonious and visually appealing interface, featuring numerous unique features to provide customers with an optimal experience.

Freedom also focuses on establishing a Loyalty Program, allowing customers to create accounts to accumulate points and enjoy attractive benefits while shopping. The combination of uniqueness, quality, and convenience of online shopping contributes significantly to Freedom’s strong position in the Australian furniture market.

8 Website Thương Mại Điện Tử Nội Thất Hàng Đầu Nước Úc
  • Website:
  • Platform: SAP Commerce Cloud
  • Traffic: 4.915M/month
  • Ranking: #403 (Australia) & #29,160 (Global)

Nick Scali

Nick Scali is a specialized Australian brand in designing sofas and retailing furniture. With over 50 years of operation, this brand has captivated customers with innovative designs and a commitment to providing sophisticated living spaces for every household.

Nick Scali’s furniture eCommerce website features several special functionalities to facilitate easy navigation and product purchases. Notably, the 360-degree product view and customization options for size and color based on customer preferences are highlighted. Additionally, the website’s minimalist and intuitive design further enhances the customer experience, making it smooth and enriching.

8 Website Thương Mại Điện Tử Nội Thất Hàng Đầu Nước Úc
Nick Scali
  • Website:
  • Platform: Magento Open Source
  • Traffic: 1.937M/month
  • Ranking: #939 (Australia) & #61,660 (Global)


Koala is well-known in both the Australian and New Zealand markets for its high-quality, modern, and innovative furniture products. Furthermore, in the years 2023 and 2024, Koala’s mattresses consecutively ranked as the most beloved on Product Review.

Koala’s furniture eCommerce website is designed to showcase the elegance and modernity of its products. With an intuitive interface, customers can easily explore and select products. Additionally, industry-specific features such as AR/VR and 360-degree viewing are integrated into the website.

8 Website Thương Mại Điện Tử Nội Thất Hàng Đầu Nước Úc
  • Website:
  • Platform: Shopify Plus 
  • Traffic: 1.4M/month
  • Ranking: #1,193 (Australia) & #40,802 (Global)

Life Interiors

In the Australian furniture industry, Life Interiors stands out as a prominent and well-regarded name. Over the years, it has been the preferred choice for those who appreciate contemporary styles in furniture.

The brand places a significant focus on its online presence, achieving this through the development of a furniture eCommerce website with tailored features to enhance the shopping and payment experience for customers. Furthermore, Life Interiors regularly launches enticing shopping programs as part of its efforts to attract and engage customers.

8 Website Thương Mại Điện Tử Nội Thất Hàng Đầu Nước Úc
Life Interiors

King Living

King Living is known in the Australian furniture market as an icon of luxury and innovation. The furniture eCommerce website is a reliable online shopping destination for customers seeking curated and high-standard furniture solutions. King Living has invested in developing various advanced features on the website to provide customers with the best shopping experience. 

Notable features include 360-degree viewing, VR/AR, product specification viewing and downloading, one-page checkout, and more. Thanks to these efforts, for more than 40 years, King Living has established a strong presence in the consumer community, particularly among those who value the sophistication of premium living spaces.

8 Website Thương Mại Điện Tử Nội Thất Hàng Đầu Nước Úc
King Living

Build your first furniture eCommerce website today!

Above are the top 8 furniture brands in Australia that have successfully established and maintained their online presence by building eCommerce websites and investing to develop custom features.

With years of experience in developing successful e-commerce website projects across various platforms for numerous Australian clients such as Laybyland, Jasnor, RodShop, Trentham Estate, etc., SECOMM has a team of highly experienced experts with advanced technical skills and a deep understanding of the eCommerce market.

For detailed advice, please contact SECOMM or call the hotline (+84)28 7108 9908!

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The 10 Best Magento eCommerce Websites In Australia

Magento is one of the most popular platforms today, allowing businesses in every industry to build customized eCommerce websites. In Australia, Magento is also highly favored and consistently chosen as the top preference for local businesses, with nearly 4000 live stores.

Let’s take a look at the top 10 leading Magento eCommerce websites in Australia in the following article.

Pet Barn

Pet Barn is a leading brand in Australia, specializing in providing products and services for pets. Over a decade, Pet Barn has earned a strong reputation among the pet-loving community in Australia, offering a wide array of safe and high-quality products. 

The Pet Barn eCommerce website is built on the Magento platform, a robust system for eCommerce and content management. By using Magento, Pet Barn can efficiently manage and operate while optimizing the online shopping experience for customers.

The flexibility, security, and ease of customization and expansion provided by Magento continually empower the brand to improve its services and cater to the ever-evolving and diverse needs of Australian customers.

The 10 Best Magento eCommerce Websites In Australia
Pet Barn

Forever New

Forever New is an Australian fashion brand, renowned for its high-quality clothing and accessories for women with an elegant and modern style. Over a decade, Forever New has gained customer trust and secured a significant position in the Australian fashion industry. 

The brand used Magento to build the eCommerce website, striving to boost its online visibility and find the most efficient operational solutions. This move played a huge role in Forever New’s digital success, enabling remarkable growth and swift adaptation to emerging trends in the market.

The 10 Best Magento eCommerce Websites In Australia
Forever New

Dick Smith

Dick Smith is one of Australia’s leading brands specializing in consumer electronics products. With a rich history and a robust reputation, Dick Smith has established a unique position in the Australian market, recognized as a trustworthy destination for technology enthusiasts seeking top-tier products.

The great customizability and scalability of Magento helped Dick Smith efficiently manage a large product portfolio and optimize the customer experience with unique features and promotional programs.

The website design not only ensures a seamless online shopping experience but also reflects the brand’s identity with a visually appealing, innovative, and user-friendly interface. The advanced search feature and product filters make it easy for customers to find their favorite items.

The 10 Best Magento eCommerce Websites In Australia
Dick Smith


Another widely known fashion brand throughout Australia is Bonds. This brand is famous for its diverse array of fashion products for men, women, and children, offering a variety of styles, and sizes, as well as ensuring durability and safety. 

Magento, a top-tier eCommerce platform, has delivered numerous advantages to Bonds. The flexibility in managing products, high customization, and easy scalability have aided Bonds in maintaining diversity in its collection and swiftly adapting to market trends.

The Bonds eCommerce website showcases the brand’s sophistication through a visually appealing user interface and provides advanced search features, secure payment processes, and detailed product information. This ensures that Bonds not only retains its current customer base but also attracts the attention of newcomers looking to experience the comfort and distinctive style of the brand.

The 10 Best Magento eCommerce Websites In Australia

Bed Bath N` Table

Bed Bath N’ Table is a renowned brand in Australia, specializing in providing furniture and decorations for bedrooms, bathrooms, and dining areas. With a focus on quality and beautiful design, Bed Bath N’ Table has been promoted as an ideal destination for those seeking a luxurious and comfortable living space. 

The eCommerce website, built with Magento, offers flexible customization and scalability. The website impresses with a user-friendly interface, an advanced search system, a secure payment process, and optimization. 

Moreover, the brand provides useful information about home decor and helpful cleaning tips. To date, Bed Bath N’ Table is not only a reliable furniture shopping destination but also a place for customers to find inspiration and ideas to decorate their living spaces.

The 10 Best Magento eCommerce Websites In Australia
Bed Bath N` Table


Sussan, a long-established and reputable fashion brand in the Australian market, has won the hearts of consumers through the blend of modern style and comfort. Over 80 years, Sussan has become an icon in the Australian fashion industry, known for creating outfits that reflect the confidence and creativity of modern women. 

The eCommerce website of Sussan is a good destination for fashion enthusiasts seeking quality products. Developed on the Magento platform, the website helps Sussan deliver an optimal customer experience and enhance operational efficiency.

Moreover, the website integrates secure and convenient payment features, offering detailed insights into product information and origins. This creates an interesting and reliable shopping experience for Sussan’s customers.

The 10 Best Magento eCommerce Websites In Australia

Kath Mandu

Kathmandu, a well-known brand specializing in outdoor apparel and equipment for adventure and sports, has made a notable contribution to enhancing the excitement and comfort of outdoor living. The Magento-developed eCommerce website of Kathmandu offers a rich customer experience that can be easily customized and expanded based on business needs.

Alongside the optimized shopping experience, Kathmandu provides enticing discounts and promotional programs to attract new customers and retain the loyalty of existing ones.

The 10 Best Magento eCommerce Websites In Australia
Kath Mandu


Sportsgirl, a renowned fashion brand in Australia, has dominated the market with innovation and diversity in its women’s fashion collections. Over 70 years, Sportsgirl isn’t just a shopping destination but also a source of inspiration for personal style, blending the latest fashion trends with a unique flair. 

Sportsgirl’s eCommerce website, powered by Magento, allows the brand to deliver an optimal customer experience while effortlessly customizing features and expanding the system to meet the evolving needs and trends of the market.

Moreover, Sportsgirl provides customers with appealing offers, including discounts, buy one get one free promotion, free shipping, gift card giveaways, and a variety of payment methods.

The 10 Best Magento eCommerce Websites In Australia

King Living

Another well-known Australian furniture brand on this list is King Living. This brand has become an icon of luxury and innovation in creating high-quality furniture products.

King Living’s eCommerce website is a reliable online shopping destination for customers seeking the most convenient solutions for furniture purchases. The website is built and developed on the Magento platform, allowing King Living to freely customize unique features specific to the industry to provide the best online shopping experience for customers. 

Notable features include 360-degree viewing, VR/AR capabilities, product specification viewing and downloading, one-page checkout, and more. After over 40 years, King Living has built a strong reputation in the consumer community, particularly among those who appreciate the value of upscale living spaces.

The 10 Best Magento eCommerce Websites In Australia
King Living

Chemist Direct

Chemist Direct is a leading brand in the Australian market, offering a wide range of healthcare and beauty products and services. The brand not only provides a diverse selection of medications, vitamins, and beauty items but also prioritizes delivering quality healthcare information to empower customers in effective at-home health management. 

Utilizing Magento for its eCommerce website, Chemist Direct can tailor unique features to enhance customers’ shopping experiences. The website offers a variety of products from multiple brands and diverse payment methods, including the Buy Now Pay Later option.  

Moreover, with advanced search functionality and a secure and simple payment process, the Chemist Direct website stands out, making it easy for customers to find and purchase high-quality healthcare and beauty products.

The 10 Best Magento eCommerce Websites In Australia
Chemist Direct

Build Your First Magento eCommerce Website Now!

Above are 10 eCommerce websites in Australia, notable for being built on the Magento platform. These brands have effectively utilized Magento’s customizable and flexible features to introduce unique features, ultimately enhancing the overall customer shopping experience.

With extensive experience in successfully developing Magento eCommerce projects for various Australian clients such as Laybyland, Jasnor, RodShop, Trentham Estate,

etc, SECOMM boasts a team of highly skilled experts with advanced technical skills and a deep understanding of the eCommerce landscape.

For further details about the Magento platform, please contact SECOMM or call the hotline at (+84)28 7108 9908!

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10 Leading eCommerce Websites Upgrade to Shopify Plus

Choosing to upgrade to Shopify Plus is like opening the door for you to enter a world of unparalleled flexibility, speed, and customization. Countless brands across diverse industries and business models heavily rely on Shopify. According to BuiltWith statistics, there are more than 4 million Shopify websites globally. Many well-known brands have experienced remarkable sales and conversion rate surges after upgrading.

Let’s explore 10 eCommerce websites that have upgraded from core Shopify to Plus.


Founded in 2015 by Julian Hearn and James Collier, Huel is a brand specializing in meal replacements and nutritional supplements. Their product lineup includes nutritional powder (Huel Powder), ready-to-drink meals (Huel Ready-to-Drink), snack bars (Huel Bar), and additional supplements like omega-3 oil and protein powder.

After just 5 years, the brand experienced rapid growth, expanding 9 online stores and 120 staff members globally. As a result, the brand opted to upgrade to Shopify Plus to enhance its operational efficiency.

10 Leading eCommerce Websites Upgrade to Shopify Plus

After more than 30 days of replatforming, Huel witnessed significant changes. Tasks such as adding employee accounts and assigning roles across one of the 9 stores, previously taking over 30 minutes, now only require a few minutes. 

This not only streamlines the operation of current stores but also creates favorable conditions for Huel to expand and effectively manage an increasing number of stores and personnel in the future.

  • Website:
  • Industry: Meal replacements
  • Traffic: 1.4M/month
  • Ranking: 16,313 (USA) & 33,881 (Worldwide)

Negative Underwear

Negative Underwear was established in 2014 by two sisters, Lauren Schwab and Marissa Vosper. The brand’s mission is to offer women high-quality, straightforward, and comfortable lingerie. Negative Underwear quickly garnered attention for its unique designs and a philosophy focused on the wearer’s comfort and confidence.

From its early days, Negative Underwear built an eCommerce website using Shopify. As sales grew and the need for expansion became apparent, the lingerie brand decided to upgrade to Shopify Plus.

10 Leading eCommerce Websites Upgrade to Shopify Plus
Negative Underwear

Through Shopify Plus, Negative Underwear benefits from a comprehensive and consistent overview of financial and sales reports. Streamlining operational tasks for centralized inventory management has become more efficient.

Streamlining operational tasks for centralized inventory management has become more efficient. Furthermore, the lingerie brand can effortlessly devise promotional campaigns during significant year-end shopping periods, enhancing the overall customer experience for those seeking to make multiple purchases simultaneously.


ILIA is a popular clean beauty brand that has garnered favor among consumers and earned numerous awards. With a commitment to helping users safeguard and rejuvenate their skin through safe and highly effective formulas, the brand has become a go-to choice. 

While initially running on Shopify Advanced, the eCommerce website swiftly expanded, and ILIA upgraded to Shopify Plus for enhanced customization capabilities.

10 Leading eCommerce Websites Upgrade to Shopify Plus

Moreover, through Shopify Plus, ILIA introduced Headless Commerce to ensure customers enjoy an optimal shopping experience without compromising page load speed and overall website performance. The deployment time with Shopify Plus saw a 20% improvement, and since the upgrade, ILIA has observed a notable 18% reduction in bounce rates.

  • Website:
  • Industry: Beauty & cosmetics
  • Traffic: 614.3K/month
  • Ranking: 22,043 (USA) & 91,888 (Worldwide)


Founded in 2002 by two Italian brothers, Vincent and Brian Wu, Incu swiftly rose to prominence as a leading fashion shopping destination in Sydney. Initially operating on its eCommerce platform, Incu later made the switch to the Basic Shopify.

However, with the company’s expansion and the introduction of a diverse range of products from various international brands, Incu found the need for a more robust backend system to efficiently manage the growing complexity of its eCommerce operations.

This included improving order processing workflows, inventory management, and automated updates for delivery rules and size customization based on customer location.

10 Leading eCommerce Websites Upgrade to Shopify Plus

Incu, in particular, integrated advanced solutions from Shopify Plus, including LaunchPad and Flow, and implemented automation and Script Editor to tailor the shopping cart and checkout experience.

In the first week post-upgrade to Shopify Plus, Incu experienced a 15% increase in conversion rates, a 26% rise in revenue, and an average interaction rate of 91%, along with a noteworthy 40% reduction in bounce rates.

  • Website:
  • Industry: Fashion
  • Traffic: 438.2K/month
  • Ranking: 1,751 (Australia) 101,060 (Worldwide)


Boxraw is a sports fashion brand specializing in boxing, with its main headquarters situated in London, England. Established in 2017 by Ben Amanna, a professional with a background in sports and boxing, the brand aims to deliver high-quality products catering to both novice enthusiasts and professional athletes in the boxing realm.

In its early days, Amanna spent time reading Shopify blogs, building a website with the basic plan, and seeking support from the advisory team to learn about eCommerce and launch his brand.

10 Leading eCommerce Websites Upgrade to Shopify Plus

Particularly noteworthy is Boxraw’s use of LaunchPad, an exclusive solution tailored for Shopify Plus businesses, facilitating the creation of automated sales campaigns.

This has enabled the Boxraw team to break free from repetitive tasks, providing customers with distinctive shopping experiences at enticing prices.

  • Website:
  • Industry: Fashion
  • Traffic: 380.2K/month
  • Ranking: 79,635 (USA) & 151,443 (Worldwide)

Only Curls

In 2016, Lizzie Carter faced the challenge of finding the perfect towel to dry her naturally curly hair in London. Unable to find one, she decided to take matters into her own hands and create it herself. This led to the creation of Only Curls, which has since become the preferred shopping destination for those with curly hair.

Only Curls primarily offers a range of products, including pre-shampoo treatment oils, post-shampoo treatment oils, hair-fixing gels, and other items specifically designed to support the daily care and styling needs of curly hair.

10 Leading eCommerce Websites Upgrade to Shopify Plus
Only Curls

After initially using the basic Shopify package, Only Curls upgraded to the ‘Plus’ package due to the rapid growth of their business. With the upgrade, the brand incorporated LaunchPad and several apps from the Shopify Plus Certified App, such as Klaviyo and Gorgias, to streamline sales, marketing, and customer care processes.

This strategic decision resulted in a 19% increase in conversion rates, a 10% rise in the average order value, and a remarkable 154% surge in the total number of orders in the first month.

  • Website:
  • Industry: Hair care
  • Traffic: 162.8K/month
  • Ranking: 11,298 (UK) & 272,018 (Worldwide)


Aje is a renowned fashion brand headquartered in Sydney, Australia. After over a decade since its establishment, the brand has rapidly become a significant name in the international fashion industry.

Recognized for its more than 18 stores across Australia and New Zealand, each exuding an air of luxury and contemporary design, Aje aimed to mirror this aesthetic in its eCommerce presence.

10 Leading eCommerce Websites Upgrade to Shopify Plus

As a result, the brand upgraded to Shopify Plus to efficiently launch a new website with minimal downtime, ensuring a seamless integration of the online and offline customer experiences. Within just a few weeks of the upgrade, Aje observed a remarkable 135% increase in its conversion rate and a substantial decrease in bounce rates.

  • Website:
  • Industry: Fashion
  • Traffic: 81.6K/month
  • Ranking: 138,049 (USA) & 485,275 (Worldwide)

Animals Matter

Founded in 2008 and headquartered in California, USA, Animals Matter stands as a premier brand in the realm of luxurious pet accessories. Specializing in crafting high-end products for pets, including beds, cushions, coats, collars, and more, Animals Matter prioritizes the comfort, safety, and fashionable flair of beloved pets.

Initially, Animals Matter opted for Shopify to establish a foundational eCommerce website, complemented by the strategic use of Google Ads. As sales began to climb, the brand decided to elevate its platform to the ‘Plus’ version, granting access to exclusive and advanced solutions.

10 Leading eCommerce Websites Upgrade to Shopify Plus
Animals Matter

With a strategic focus on a Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) model and a commitment to multi-channel sales, Animals Matter seamlessly integrated its website with various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Pinterest.

Moreover, utilizing the capabilities of ‘Plus,’ the brand employs email marketing to sustain customer engagement through diverse approaches. This includes the implementation of strategies such as abandoned cart emails, newsletters, and enticing promotional programs.


Boie, headquartered in New York, USA, is a personal care product brand that prioritizes safety and durability in its meticulously researched and crafted offerings. Boie’s products are crafted from antibacterial and recyclable materials, emphasizing a commitment to minimizing waste generation in the market.

10 Leading eCommerce Websites Upgrade to Shopify Plus

Recognizing the limitations of the basic Shopify solution in fulfilling its vision for an enriched eCommerce website user experience, Boie made the strategic move to upgrade to Shopify Plus. This flexible platform serves as a solution to address two key objectives for Boie: enhancing conversion rates, particularly for customers abandoning their carts, and optimizing SEO strategies to boost website traffic.

  • Website:
  • Industry: Personal care
  • Traffic: 36.2K/month
  • Ranking: 640,532 (USA) & 2,651,414 (Worldwide)

al.ive body

A prominent player in the personal care product market is al.ive body. This brand emerged amid Australia’s Covid-19-induced lockdown. 

With prior success using Shopify, al.ive body decided to elevate its e-commerce website by switching to Shopify Plus, where it benefitted from valuable guidance and support from the Merchant Success team.

10 Leading eCommerce Websites Upgrade to Shopify Plus
al.ive body

Leveraging the expansive features of ‘Plus,’ al.ive body introduced a dedicated B2B eCommerce website catering to wholesale customers. Moreover, the brand employed the Functions solution to tailor the backend logic of Shopify, enhancing the customer experience, and streamlining the payment process.

Since upgrading, the company achieved over 1 million Australian dollars in revenue within four days of the Black Friday sales event. Taking advantage of the increased customer influx during the sales period, al.ive body boosted its customer conversion rate by 47% after implementing customizations aimed at simplifying the payment experience.

  • Website:
  • Industry: Personal care
  • Traffic: 26.9K/month
  • Ranking: 34,956 (Australia) & 1,474,515 (Worldwide)

Upgrade to Shopify Plus today!

Above are 10 brands that have enhanced their eCommerce websites by upgrading from the core Shopify versions to the Plus version, seeking advanced solutions to streamline business processes and improve the customer experience. 

As a trusted partner for enterprises like Vinamilk, Suzuverse, SECOMM boasts a highly skilled technical team with profound knowledge of Shopify Plus.

Contact SECOMM or call the hotline to start upgrading your eCommerce website today!

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Top 10 Leading Multi-Vendor Marketplaces In Australia

The eCommerce industry in Australia has experienced continual growth in recent years. Consumers are increasingly inclined to prioritize online shopping platforms for their diverse product offerings, convenience, and cost-effectiveness.

Here are 10 widely popular multi-vendor marketplaces that serve as favored shopping destinations for Australian consumers.

Learn more: Building your first multi-vendor marketplace with Marketplacer 

Amazon Australia

In late 2017, Amazon officially launched its operations in Australia, marking the establishment of Amazon Australia. Much like in many other countries, Amazon Australia provides a diverse array of products, spanning fashion, electronics, home goods, books, toys, and electronic appliances sourced from various sellers.

Top 10 Leading Multi-Vendor Marketplaces In Australia
Amazon Australia

Beyond product sales, this retail behemoth also offers services such as Amazon Prime and Amazon Fresh, featuring expedited delivery policies and exclusive perks for members. Over the years, Amazon has solidified its position in the Australian eCommerce market, delivering a plethora of choices and a comprehensive online shopping experience for customers in the country.

  • Website:
  • Traffic: 75.6M/month
  • Country rank: #7 (Australia)
  • Global rank: #434
  • Category rank: #1 (eCommerce & Shopping > Marketplace in Australia)

eBay Australia

Unlike Amazon, the retail giant eBay has been present in the Australian market since the early years of eBay’s global expansion. eBay has created an online marketplace that allows both individual sellers and businesses to sell their products. On this eCommerce platform, customers can find everything from fashion, electronics, and home goods to toys, decorations, and much more.

Currently, eBay is also a dominant player in the eCommerce market in the Australia and New Zealand region, alongside Amazon. This is due to offering customers an optimal shopping experience with various promotions and attractive deals throughout the year.

Top 10 Leading Multi-Vendor Marketplaces In Australia
eBay Australia
  • Website:
  • Traffic: 54.3M/month
  • Country rank: #15 (Australia)
  • Global rank: #658 
  • Category rank: #2 (eCommerce & Shopping > Marketplace in Australia)


The Kmart multi-vendor marketplace started its operations in Australia in 1960 and has since evolved into one of the country’s most popular retail chains. The Kmart company is a part of the Wesfarmers group. The products offered by this Australian online marketplace are diverse, including electronics, household goods, furniture, cosmetics, and fashion.

Kmart is renowned for its cost-effective pricing strategy, making its products and services accessible and convenient for a diverse customer base. Alongside its website, Kmart provides a well-designed mobile app with features that facilitate convenient shopping for customers wherever and whenever they choose.

Top 10 Leading Multi-Vendor Marketplaces In Australia
  • Website:
  • Traffic: 33.6M/month
  • Country rank: #24 (Australia)
  • Global rank: 1,385
  • Category rank: #3 (eCommerce & Shopping > Marketplace in Australia)


Myer has a long history, established in 1900 by Sidney Myer in Melbourne, Australia. Since then, Myer has grown into one of the major names in the retail industry in Australia. The Myer multi-vendor marketplace is built with modern technologies that make it easy to expand according to business needs. Additionally, advanced features can be developed and customized effectively to provide an exciting and optimal shopping experience for customers.

In addition to an extensive product portfolio, Myer has introduced a loyalty program called Myer One, allowing customers to collect points through shopping and redeem them for equivalent value rewards. This not only helps retain existing customers but also attracts more potential customers, making Myer one of the leading online marketplaces in the land Down Under.

Top 10 Leading Multi-Vendor Marketplaces In Australia
  • Website:
  • Traffic: 22.2M/month
  • Country rank: #37 (Australia)
  • Global rank: #2,141
  • Category rank: #4 (eCommerce & Shopping > Marketplace in Australia)

Big W

Big W is a part of the prominent retail group Wesfarmers, established in 1964. Over the years, Big W has evolved into one of Australia’s major and well-loved retail chains. In addition to showcasing products from renowned brands, Big W also offers a diverse range of in-house branded items, elevating its competitive edge and delivering significant value to customers.

Beyond its traditional brick-and-mortar stores scattered across Australia, Big W’s online marketplace features a user-friendly website and a mobile app for seamless online shopping at any time and from any location. Big W consistently rolls out enticing promotions and appealing deals, leveraging email marketing to engage with customers, ultimately driving up conversion rates and overall sales.

Top 10 Leading Multi-Vendor Marketplaces In Australia
Big W
  • Website:
  • Traffic: 23M/month
  • Country rank: #39 (Australia)
  • Global rank: #2,268
  • Category rank: #5 (eCommerce & Shopping > Marketplace in Australia)


Target is known as the retail giant in the United States, specializing in providing products across various sectors. In the Australian market, Target is also popular and serves as a shopping destination for items such as fashion, furniture, gifts, and more.

Through monthly promotional programs and offers, Target has successfully attracted numerous new customers while maintaining relationships with its existing customer base.

Top 10 Leading Multi-Vendor Marketplaces In Australia
  • Website:
  • Traffic: 12.6M/month
  • Country rank: #73 (Australia)
  • Global rank: #4,390
  • Category rank: #9 (eCommerce & Shopping > Marketplace in Australia)


Catch, formerly known as Catch of the Day, is an Australian multi-vendor marketplace well-known for providing substantial deals and discounts across a diverse range of product categories. The online marketplace has introduced a loyalty program named Catch Club, offering members a points-based shopping system for exclusive rewards and special items.

In addition, Catch prioritizes customer service, offering various support channels such as chat, hotline, and email to ensure customers can easily access and seek prompt assistance.

Top 10 Leading Multi-Vendor Marketplaces In Australia
  • Website:
  • Traffic: 8.1M/month
  • Country rank: #115 (Australia)
  • Global rank: #6,889
  • Category rank: #11 (eCommerce & Shopping > Marketplace in Australia)


Kogan, headquartered in Australia, is well-known for delivering products and services at competitive prices. Established by Ruslan Kogan in 2006 in Melbourne, Australia, this multi-vendor marketplace initially focused on selling consumer electronics on its website, subsequently diversifying into multiple categories.

Through sensible policies, Kogan has established a fair online marketplace, enabling both businesses and individual sellers to engage in selling, offering buyers an extensive array of options.

Top 10 Leading Multi-Vendor Marketplaces In Australia
  • Website:
  • Traffic: 7.9M/month
  • Country rank: #124 (Australia)
  • Global rank: #7,466
  • Category rank: #14 (eCommerce & Shopping > Marketplace in Australia)


The multi-vendor marketplace MyDeal was established in 2011 in Melbourne, Australia. MyDeal originated as a website specializing in providing discount codes and shopping coupons.

MyDeal offers a diverse range of products, including fashion, household items, electronics, toys, furniture, and many other categories. They continually expand their product offerings to meet consumer needs.

MyDeal regularly creates flash sales, special discounts, and promotional programs to attract customers. With its diversity and attractive discounts, MyDeal has drawn in many consumers in Australia, becoming one of the most popular online marketplaces in the country.

Top 10 Leading Multi-Vendor Marketplaces In Australia
  • Website:
  • Traffic: 4.7M/month
  • Country rank: #201 (Australia)
  • Global rank: #14,872
  • Category rank: #16 (eCommerce & Shopping > Marketplace in Australia)


Formerly known as an Australian eCommerce website specializing in consumer electronics, Laybyland has transitioned its business model to become a multi-vendor marketplace. This shift allows numerous individual sellers and businesses to participate in selling their products on the platform, providing buyers with affordable pricing and diverse choices.

Laybyland and SECOMM have been partners for over 10 years, collaborating on various successful eCommerce projects, including the recent Laybyland multi-vendor marketplace. The project primarily utilizes two platforms, Marketplacer and Magento 2, to enhance operational efficiency and optimize the customer user experience.

Top 10 Leading Multi-Vendor Marketplaces In Australia

Learn more: The project of Laybyland

  • Website:
  • Traffic: 80.4K/month
  • Country rank: #18,341 (Australia)
  • Global rank: #600,409
  • Category rank: #162 (eCommerce & Shopping > Marketplace in Australia)

The Bottom Line 

Above are the 10 most popular multi-vendor marketplaces in Australia, serving as the ideal online shopping destinations for local consumers.

The eCommerce industry in Australia has witnessed significant growth, with not just the mentioned 10 brands but also numerous other Australian businesses successfully implementing efficient platforms, attracting a wide customer base, and experiencing continuous growth.

If your business is still contemplating whether to establish a multi-vendor marketplace in Australia and how to go about it, feel free to contact or call our hotline at (+84)28 7108 9908 right now!

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Top 10 Most-Visited eCommerce Websites In Australia

In Australia, shopping on eCommerce websites has become an essential trend. Over time, there has been a growing demand for an enhanced online shopping experience among Australian customers. This requires businesses to seek solutions to optimize their websites to provide a unique and efficient customer experience. 

Here are 10 leading Australian brands dedicated meticulous efforts to refining the eCommerce experience, thereby gaining customer satisfaction and trust.

JB Hi-Fi

JB Hi-Fi is a retail chain headquartered in Australia, specializing in electronics, household goods, and entertainment products. It was founded in 1974 in Melbourne by John Barbuto (JB) and his wife, Judy Barbuto (the JB Hi-Fi name is a combination of the initials of John’s name and Judy’s name).

Top 10 Most-Visited eCommerce Websites In Australia
JB Hi-Fi

Alongside its brick-and-mortar stores in Australia and New Zealand, the brand also maintains an eCommerce website and a mobile app. These two primary channels enable customers to shop online and stay updated on various offers and promotions.

Beyond offering a diverse range of high-quality consumer electronics, JB Hi-Fi places a strong emphasis on providing customer support services both online and offline, aiming to deliver the optimal customer shopping experience.

  • Website:
  • Industry: Consumer electronics
  • Platform: Shopify Plus
  • Traffic: 23.7M/month
  • Ranking: 36 (Australia) & 2,034 (Worldwide)


Coles is a leading supermarket and retail chain in Australia. Established in 1914, the brand has since experienced impressive expansion and development, emerging as one of the major names in the Australian retail industry.

Top 10 Most-Visited eCommerce Websites In Australia

Coles offers online shopping services through its user-friendly eCommerce website and mobile app. The Australian brand also ensures competitive pricing and consistently introduces promotional initiatives, providing customers with a diverse array of options.

  • Website:
  • Industry: Online Grocery
  • Platform: HCL Commerce
  • Traffic: 18.3M/month
  • Ranking: 40 (Australia) & 2,270 (Worldwide)


The ICONIC is an Australian eCommerce website specializing in fashion and footwear. Established in 2011, the brand swiftly captured attention, evolving into a premier online shopping destination for fashion enthusiasts in both Australia and New Zealand.

At The ICONIC, customers can easily discover their preferred products from a diverse selection of globally renowned brands, including Levi’s, Adidas, Lacoste, Polo Ralph Lauren, and more.

Top 10 Most-Visited eCommerce Websites In Australia
The Iconic

The ICONIC’s website is optimized to help customers browse products, place orders, and track their shipments effortlessly. Beyond providing a unique online shopping experience, The ICONIC regularly updates fashion trends and offers informative content for its customers.

  • Website:
  • Industry: Fashion
  • Platform: PHP programming language
  • Traffic: 10.3M/month
  • Ranking: 72 (Australia) & 4,157 (Worldwide)

Cotton on

Cotton On was established in 1991 by Nigel Austin in Geelong, Australia. The brand offers a wide range of fashion products, including clothing for men, women, and children, footwear, accessories, underwear, and even home goods and interior decorations in some stores.

Top 10 Most-Visited eCommerce Websites In Australia
Cotton On

Cotton On has an extensive network of stores worldwide, with a presence not only in Australia but also in many other countries such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and various Asian countries. Therefore, an eCommerce website system has been built and developed with Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) to cater to the specific needs of each customer segment in different markets.

  • Website:
  • Industry: Fashion
  • Platform: Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC)
  • Traffic: 9.2M/month
  • Ranking: 144 (Australia) & 5,182 (Worldwide)

Sephora Australia

Sephora is a leading global retail chain specializing in cosmetics and beauty products. The brand is headquartered in Paris, France, and has expanded rapidly, establishing its presence in numerous countries across Europe, North America, Asia, and the Middle East.

Top 10 Most-Visited eCommerce Websites In Australia

In Australia, Sephora is recognized as a go-to destination for purchasing cosmetics, both online and in-store. Sephora’s eCommerce website and mobile app boast various specialized features designed to elevate the customer experience. Moreover, the successful implementation of a loyalty program by Sephora across multiple markets serves as a valuable lesson for many other eCommerce enterprises.

  • Website:
  • Industry: Fashion
  • Platform: PHP programming language
  • Traffic: 2.4M/month
  • Ranking: 253 (Australia) & 18,668 (Worldwide)

Forever New

Founded in Australia in 2006, Forever New is an international fashion brand that specializes in designing and manufacturing women’s fashion collections. The brand is renowned for offering customers products with a sophisticated and feminine style.

Since its inception, Forever New has experienced rapid growth and expanded its business not only in Australia but also in various other countries, including New Zealand, China, India, South Africa, and numerous European nations.

Top 10 Most-Visited eCommerce Websites In Australia
Forever New

To meet the challenges of expansion and customization, Forever New opted for Magento Open Source to build its eCommerce system. Leveraging Magento, the brand has incorporated a range of advanced and specialized features alongside essential functionalities to enhance the online shopping experience for its customers.

  • Website:
  • Industry: Fashion
  • Platform: Magento Open Source
  • Traffic: 1.7M/month
  • Ranking: 393 (Australia) & 28,442 (Worldwide)

Dick Smith

Dick Smith is the name of a renowned Australian entrepreneur, Richard “Dick” Smith, who founded this brand in 1968. In its early years, Dick Smith focused on providing electronic products and components. 

The brand quickly grew and expanded its product portfolio from electronic appliances, computers, mobile phones, cameras, and tech toys to other technology and entertainment-related products.

Top 10 Most-Visited eCommerce Websites In Australia
Dick Smith

Dick Smith’s eCommerce website is built on the Magento platform. This has helped Dick Smith enhance its presence in both online retail and traditional retail stores, allowing the brand to reach a large audience through an optimized shopping experience.

  • Website:
  • Industry: Consumer electronics
  • Platform: Magento Open Source
  • Traffic: 1.6M/month
  • Ranking: 611 (Australia) & 38,095 (Worldwide)

Bed Bath N` Table

Bed Bath N’ Table is a well-known brand specializing in furniture, home decor, and household items in Australia.

Its eCommerce website offers a diverse array of products for the living room, bathroom, dining area, and bedroom. Customers can easily discover items such as blankets, pillows, bedding sets, decorations, lamps, cookware, tableware, and numerous other products.

Top 10 Most-Visited eCommerce Websites In Australia
Bed Bath N` Table

In addition, Bed Bath N’ Table provides various payment methods and implements a loyalty program to enhance the shopping experience for customers, ultimately boosting conversion rates and sales.

Over the years, through a commitment to professionalism and prioritizing customer experience, Bed Bath N’ Table has solidified its presence throughout the regions of Australia and New Zealand.

Glue Store

Established in 1990, Glue Store is an Australian fashion retail chain specializing in products from popular brands, especially those favored by the youth. Over the years, Glue Store has swiftly expanded to become a go-to fashion shopping destination in the Australia and New Zealand region.

Currently, Glue Store collaborates with a variety of renowned brands, including Adidas, Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Puma, and various streetwear labels.

Top 10 Most-Visited eCommerce Websites In Australia
Glue Store

In addition to its traditional store chain, Glue Store offers customers an online shopping experience through an eCommerce website built on the Shopify platform. The website boasts a uniquely designed interface with advanced features, particularly enhancing the customer experience, notably during the checkout process.

Furthermore, Glue Store consistently introduces appealing promotional programs to attract and retain its customer base.

  • Website:
  • Industry: Fashion
  • Platform: Shopify
  • Traffic: 1.1M/month
  • Ranking: 684 (Australia) & 47,751 (Worldwide)

Chemist Direct

The eCommerce website Chemist Direct has become quite familiar to Australian consumers in recent years. It is a reliable destination for purchasing beauty products, personal care items, prescription and non-prescription medications, as well as medical equipment.

Top 10 Most-Visited eCommerce Websites In Australia
Chemist Direct

With a diverse and extensive product catalog, Chemist Direct has developed its eCommerce system on Magento to leverage the flexibility and easy scalability of this platform. Through Magento, the Chemist Direct team can easily develop and customize numerous advanced features, making searching, browsing, ordering, and payment more straightforward.

When it comes to payments, the brand implements Buy Now Pay Later with Afterpay and Zip, alongside traditional payment methods, allowing customers additional choices and flexibility when making purchases.

  • Website:
  • Industry: Online Pharmacy
  • Platform: Magento Open Source
  • Traffic: 209.2K/month
  • Ranking: 2,889 (Australia) & 171,631 (Worldwide)

On Final Words

Here are the leading 10 eCommerce websites in Australia. Utilizing advanced platforms like Magento, Shopify, and SFCC, these brands have delivered an optimal online shopping experience, successfully attracting both local and international consumers.

Throughout years of growth, SECOMM, in collaboration with numerous Australian clients, has proudly contributed to the creation of exceptional eCommerce websites. Noteworthy projects include partnerships with Laybyland, Jasnor, Rod Shop, and others.

Contact SECOMM or call directly at the hotline (+84)28 7108 9908 to get started!

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The 10 Best Shopify Jewelry eCommerce Websites

The jewelry world always holds mystical and captivating beauty. Capitalizing the eCommerce development, many jewelry brands have embraced the opportunity to connect with users worldwide and establish a distinctive presence through their eCommerce websites.

Shopify, renowned for its versatility, is a favored platform for crafting unique and dynamic interfaces and user experiences, captivating millions of jewelry enthusiasts across the globe.

Below is a list of the top 10 most prominent Shopify eCommerce jewelry websites, where creativity meets technological solutions to create unique art pieces that have won the hearts of jewelry enthusiasts everywhere.

Learn more: What opportunities are open to Jewelry eCommerce?


Originating from New York, USA, ANA LUISA is a prominent jewelry brand with a beauty-centric vision, offering unique and elegant jewelry pieces. ANA LUISA carefully selects premium materials such as 14k gold, 925 silver, lab-grown diamonds, and cultured pearls to craft diverse jewelry collections suitable for every style and personality. 

By leveraging Shopify, the ANA LUISA jewelry website has streamlined its development process, swiftly bringing products to market.

The website features a simple and elegant design with a white color scheme, well-suited to the accessories and jewelry industry. ANNA LUISA focuses on developing advanced features to provide the best online shopping experience for customers.

The 10 Best Shopify Jewelry eCommerce Websites - ANA LUISA

Notable features include Order Tracking by order number and zip code; Quick View of products; Pre-order with notification alerts; Product recommendations based on viewing history, and displaying the quantity of products sold in the last 24 hours.

PD Paola (Spain)

PD Paola is a famous jewelry brand from Spain, drawing inspiration from the blend of modern and refined designs with classical lines. PD Paola often presents diverse jewelry collections, including necklaces, rings, earrings, and more.

The brand is committed to ensuring sustainability in the production process, making its products beautiful and environmentally friendly.

The 10 Best Shopify Jewelry eCommerce Websites - PD Paola

PD PaolaPD Paola has built a Shopify website to showcase its products to a large potential customer base on the internet. Through the eCommerce website, PD Paola has incorporated several unique features to enhance the online shopping experience, including Image Zoom, Cross-sell product recommendations, and Recently viewed product display.

Or, Product size options, Payment options with credit cards and PayPal, Intelligent search suggestions with popular, recent, and trending keywords, and Scheduling appointments at offline stores.

Learn more: The Journey of Building a Jewelry eCommerce Website

Missoma (UK)

Missoma is a jewelry brand based in London, UK, specializing in gold and silver recycled jewelry with modern, sophisticated, and distinctive designs. The brand features several outstanding jewelry collections, such as Lucy Williams, Harris Reed, Savi, Zenyu, Molten, and many more. 

The design of Missoma’s eCommerce website reflects the elegance and minimalism of the jewelry industry. The decision to deploy a Shopify website has brought the ability to integrate diverse and user-friendly third-party apps, providing customers with a more enriching and high-quality shopping experience.

The 10 Best Shopify Jewelry eCommerce Websites - Missoma

MissomaSome advanced features of Missoma include Diverse payment methods integration, including Buy Now Pay Later with Klarna; Automatic multi-currency feature that converts currencies based on the user’s IP; Product filtering based on material, and size; Integration of The Rewards Stack loyalty program.

Miansai (USA)

Founded by Michael Saiger in 2008, Miansai is a leading American jewelry brand. Miansai specializes in creating simple, elegant, and unique men’s and women’s jewelry, using carefully selected and handcrafted raw materials.

The brand offers various jewelry collections, including necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, keychains, and many other accessories.

The 10 Best Shopify Jewelry eCommerce Websites - Miansai

MiansaiMiansai has also built and developed a Shopify jewelry website to provide customers with industry-specific features, including Product size selection; Filtering and searching for products and collections; Automatic currency conversion based on the user’s IP. Or, Search suggestions; Integration with social media platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram.

Astrid & Miyu (UK)

Astrid & Miyu, a London-based fashion jewelry brand, has long been a familiar name in the international jewelry industry. One of the notable features of Astrid & Miyu is the ability to flexibly combine their jewelry products.

The brand focuses on creating designs that can layer and combine creatively. This allows users to create unique jewelry experiences and express their style.

The 10 Best Shopify Jewelry eCommerce Websites - Astrid & Miyu

Astrid & MiyuAstrid & Miyu’s jewelry website is built on the Shopify platform to provide an optimal shopping experience for customers with unique features. Among these features are Zoom product view; Product color options; and In-store product availability check.

Or, Search suggestions; Loyalty points accumulation; Gift options; Payment options (Amazon Pay, Shop Pay, Google Pay); and Scheduling appointments at any store.


QALO is a special jewelry brand that focuses on producing silicone rings, especially those that combine a variety of designs and purposes. The name “QALO” stands for “Quality, Athletics, Love, Outdoors,” indicating that the brand emphasizes quality, athletic features, family love, and readiness for outdoor adventures.

The 10 Best Shopify Jewelry eCommerce Websites - QALO

QALOQALO also built their eCommerce website with Shopify, a platform chosen by many leading jewelry brands. Some unique features of the QALO jewelry website include displaying products by category, showcasing popular products, color and size options for products, and the option of Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) with Shop Pay.

Additionally, QALO allows order tracking, reviewing product viewing history, and shopping on “My Shop.”

  • Website:
  • Traffic: 287.6K/month
  • Ranking: 35,396 (USA) & 181,853 (Worldwide)

Daisy Jewellery (UK)

Daisy Jewellery is a famous jewelry brand with origins in the United Kingdom. The brand stands out with unique jewelry designs that often incorporate natural elements, honoring the natural beauty of flowers, leaves, and gemstones.

Daisy Jewellery focuses on using natural gemstones, including rose quartz, pearls, and sunstone. Their products are often made from sterling silver 925 or thin layers of gold, ensuring quality and durability.

The 10 Best Shopify Jewelry eCommerce Websites - Daisy Jewellery

Daisy JewelleryThe brand has implemented Shopify to enhance its online presence. Daisy Jewellery’s eCommerce website provides users with a unique shopping experience, featuring outstanding features such as displaying product images and videos, size, and material options (Gold or Silver).

Or, showing product recommendations on the product and cart pages, displaying product reviews, payment options with Shop Pay, PayPal, Google Pay, Klarna, packaging options, gift order options, and automatic international shipping fees.


STONE AND STRAND is a jewelry brand established in 2013 in the United States. STONE AND STRAND offers a range of jewelry products, including rings, necklaces, earrings, and various other jewelry designs. All products are meticulously designed with exquisite details, reflecting the brand’s creative vision.

The 10 Best Shopify Jewelry eCommerce Websites - STONE AND STRAND

STONE AND STRAND Shopify websiteLike many jewelry brands worldwide, STONE AND STRAND has implemented Shopify for its eCommerce website. The website features an easy-to-navigate product catalog and search functionality, along with order tracking via email and integration of multiple payment methods, including Buy Now Pay Later with Affirm.

Shashi (USA)

Shashi is a fashion jewelry brand founded in 2009 by founder Shashi Singapuri.

Based in New York, the brand is renowned for its unique, innovative, and stylish jewelry products. Shashi creates various types of jewelry, including necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings. Vibrant color palettes and distinctive details are highlights of Shashi’s products.

The 10 Best Shopify Jewelry eCommerce Websites - Shashi

Shashi jewelry websiteThe interface of Shashi’s Shopify eCommerce website features a minimalist style, focusing on showcasing its best-selling and newly launched products. Additionally, the website provides prominent features to enrich the shopping experience for customers.

Some features of Shashi’s jewelry website include color and size options for products, a quick view of the shopping cart, automatic currency conversion based on the user’s IP, and payment options such as Shop Pay and Amazon Pay.

V By Laura Vann (UK)

V by Laura Vann is a jewelry brand based in the United Kingdom. Founded by the talented jewelry designer Laura Vann, the brand showcases a creative vision and in-depth knowledge of the jewelry industry. With her innovative vision, Laura Vann has crafted a series of unique and beautiful jewelry designs.

The 10 Best Shopify Jewelry eCommerce Websites - V By Laura Vann

V By Laura Vann’s websiteThe brand’s jewelry website has long been deployed on Shopify to provide customers with an optimal shopping experience, offering various outstanding features through integrations.

Among these features, notable ones include payment options such as Shop Pay (Shopify), Google Pay, credit cards, or BNPL with Klarna; packaging options; and custom designs for jewelry and wedding jewelry.

Start your Jewelry eCommerce Journey with Shopify now!

Above are the top 10 jewelry websites that have made a mark on jewelry enthusiasts worldwide through the implementation of Shopify.

It is evident that owning an optimized eCommerce website not only helps jewelry businesses stand out on the internet but also opens up endless business opportunities. Shopify proves to be a suitable platform for businesses to achieve this quickly.

Learn more: 5 eCommerce platforms for building Jewelry websites

With a dedicated and experienced team, SECOMM can accompany businesses in deploying an outstanding Shopify jewelry website. 

Contact SECOMM or call directly at our hotline (028 7108 9908) to embark on the eCommerce journey for jewelry with Shopify today and seize the opportunity to bring your brand and products to millions of potential customers globally.

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